Taming the Hunted

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Book: Taming the Hunted by Larisa Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Larisa Anderson
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    “What?” She wrenched her arm free of her bindings, breaking
the headboard, and knocked Kennard clear across the room. Her victory was short
lived, however, as a heavy paw landed on her, pushing her over. Gabriel proceeded to sit on her. After huffing his hair out of her mouth she squirmed and
attempted to wriggle free.
    “As much fun as this has been, I have had enough.” Kennard
left the room, leaving the door open behind him.
    “Good riddance,” she yelled after him, feeling too many
teeth in her small mouth.
    She twisted again, but Gabriel wasn’t budging, and a
fully-grown werewolf weighed a ton. She was surprised he didn’t crush her.
    She had enough time to register a creak on the stairs before
Gabriel was hit so hard that he bounced off the wall at the back of the room,
leaving a boulder-shaped hole in the plaster. Faster than she could follow, a
wolf as big as a small bear, but smaller than Gabriel, turned and started
toward her.

Chapter 8
    The sounds of growling and the soft pads on the floorboards
as the intruder walked were terrifying. But Marian was in too much of a rage to
pay much attention. The wolf in her had other ideas and wouldn’t let her run.
She wanted to fight. This man, werewolf, had turned her into a beast and
knocked out the guy…wolf, who had tried so hard to keep her safe.
    Her back arched as a splitting sensation tore down her spine.
Her skin burned as hair sprouted all over her body, and she curled in on
herself. She felt strong, stronger than she had ever felt, even as a hunter.
She bared her teeth at the intruder and launched herself into the fight, her
powerful back paws pushing her off the bed without thought as to how to move in
this new body. She collided with him with a sickening crack of ribs. Her
momentum carried her away from him as he shook his great form and rose above
    A small, snarling figure darted in, slashing with a small
pointed knife. Nole. Marian attempted to push the girl away, but she was too
fast and Marian too slow with her new limbs. Nole slashed with her knife and moved
just fast enough to stay out of Terrance’s reach. Marian knew the girl was
trying to give her the advantage. She wouldn’t waste the help. As she had the
thought, Nole made one last swipe before jumping over to Gabriel’s seemingly lifeless
form and setting up a defensive stance over her friend.
    Marian knew Terrance was faster than her in this form. As a hunter,
she knew her weapons and her body, in this form she had to be smart. Using her
assumption that he would think her a weak female, she cowered before him as he
gathered his wits and approached. Making herself as small as she could, she
willed him to come closer with her body language.
    When he was just inches from striking, she was ready. She
slammed her skull up into his jaw, and he was knocked into a daze. His head
swiveled to the side as several wolves crashed through the door, filling the
room with their growls and baring their teeth which dripped with saliva in their
eagerness to vent their animal aggressions. In a split second, she saw her
chance whilst Terrance’s attention was taken by the larger wolves. Using her
speed over his size, she darted to one side then under him. Still dazed, he
couldn’t follow fast enough. Her teeth sunk into the tender flesh at his neck
and, with a flick of her powerful jaws, he was dead, his warm, sticky blood
covering her muzzle.
    She was rather disappointed at how short the fight was as
she sat and looked at the dark stain of blood on her paws and wondered what the
rest of her looked like.
    Gabriel sprang up from the base of the wall, ready to fight,
but winced in pain as his ribs cracked. Nole stepped aside and joined the other
pack members, calm as if nothing had happened. Gabriel’s pack mates all shifted
and began dragging the bloodied mess that was Terrance from the house with Nole
following like a guardian angel, all giving her a wide berth.
    Marian had the

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