Taming Her Navy Doc

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Book: Taming Her Navy Doc by Amy Ruttan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Ruttan
want, monetary value and ‘no problem’.”
    Scooby looked up and gave a thumbs-up. “No problem.”
    Erica moaned and rubbed her forehead. “Great. I’ve been rattling off to him about various things.”
    Thorne shrugged. “He’s a good listener. It’s his job. Although, he was a fisherman before the base sprung up.”
    “I thought most Okinawans knew English.”
    “Most do. Scooby doesn’t; he only learned what he needed to know.”
    Erica narrowed her eyes. She didn’t believe a word Thorne was saying, though that could be the liquor talking.
    “You don’t believe me?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.
    “Why should I? Since I arrived you’ve questioned me,
to me and generally have been a pain in my butt. No offense, Captain.”
    “None taken, Commander.”
    Erica turned back to her drink, playing with the many glittery decorations. Her body tensed, being so close to Thorne. It wasn’t because he was her commanding officer; that didn’t bother her in the least. It wasn’t because she’d taken his leg; she knew she’d made the right medical decision. It was because she was drawn to him and she shouldn’t be. Captain Wilder was off-limits and it annoyed her that she was allowing herself to feel this way. That he affected her so.
    Especially today.
    “What do you have there?” Thorne asked, though she had a feeling he already knew.
    She set it down on the countertop anyway: the shark tooth, gleaming and polished under the tiki lighting.
    “Why do you have that?” he asked.
    “I didn’t think it should go to medical waste. I know we were saving it for…” She couldn’t even finish her sentence. She was a doctor, a surgeon and she was used to death. People did die, and had died on her, but usually only when they were too far gone.
    Thorne had been worse, yet he was here, beside her. Alive.
    Corporal Ryder’s death shook her because his death shouldn’t have happened. It boggled her mind. She cupped the shark tooth in her palm again, feeling its jagged edge against her skin.
    Thorne reached over, opened her fingers, exposing her palm, and took the shark tooth from her.
    His touch made her blood ignite. A spark of electricity zipped through her veins.
    Pull your hand away.
    Only, she liked the touch. She needed it at this ­moment.
    “Let me see that,” he said gently. Erica watched him, watched his expression as he looked over the tooth carefully. “Can I keep it?”
    “Why?” she asked.
    “I knew him—he has a younger brother. Perhaps I’ll send it to him if he wants it.”
    “Sure.” She picked at the paper napkin under her drink. It was soaked with condensation and came apart easily. “Did you get a hold of Corporal Ryder’s family?”
    Thorne nodded slowly. “I did.”
    “I don’t have any siblings.” Erica wasn’t sure why she was telling him that.
    “That’s too bad.”
    She nodded at the tooth again. “Do you think that’s something his family would want? I mean…under the circumstances.”
    “I think so. Though, the flag at his state burial will mean more.”
    Erica sighed sadly. “There was no reason for him to die.”
    “He was attacked by a shark.”
    “It was a simple wound. It didn’t even sever the artery.”
    “You know as well as I do that sometimes there are things beyond our control as physicians. If he gave up the will to live… I’ve seen it so many times. Even if you fight so hardto save a life, if that person has decided that they’re going to die there’s nothing you can do.”
    Erica nodded.
    It was true. She knew it. She’d seen it herself so many times, but Ryder’s death was so senseless. He would’ve made a full recovery. Sure, he wouldn’t have been able to continue his training to become an elite member of the SEALs, but he also wouldn’t have been discharged from the Navy.
    Was that worth dying over? Was that what had driven Ryder just to give up?
    Was that why Dad just gave up? How much pain had he been in?
    She sighed,

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