Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

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Book: Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2) by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
left.” Dinah kept moving forward. Andy looked back, “Nudge her with your right knee.” Harmony tapped her right knee against Dinah’s side but she continued moving forward. Andy said, “Stop!” And Dinah stopped jogging. Andy got off and said, “Move into the saddle and see if she’ll follow your commands now.”
    Harmony slid forward and said, “Go.” Dinah started jogging forward. Harmony said, “Stop!” and she stopped. Andy pointed forward and Harmony said, “Go!”
    Dinah started forward until Andy yelled, “Back to me!” She immediately turned and came running back to Andy. Harmony rubbed Dinah’s neck and Andy looked up at her, “It appears my commands have priority. Barring me telling her differently, she will follow your instructions.”
    “What does that mean?”
    Andy raised an eyebrow, “It appears she knows you have our best interests at heart.” Harmony tilted her head and Andy quickly said, “The Cursors have a sensory system that is beyond our understanding. No other dinosaur species has shown any inclination to bond with humans. She senses things that we don’t know exist. Dinah would have nothing to do with anyone else in the community but she has accepted you. There are others that have been around her much longer than you have and she did not accept them.”
    “Is the one who is going to be your mate one of them?” Andy stared at Harmony and nodded. Harmony smiled, “What does that tell you?” Harmony slid off Dinah and said, “My turn to clean up.” She started walking toward the pool taking off her clothing as she walked away. Andy saw just how beautiful she was and turned his back before he saw too much. He looked up at Dinah as he rubbed her jaw and wondered what it did tell him. He knew that Harmony was no longer malnourished. He shook his head and Dinah rubbed her head against his chest. There was one thing he was certain about; Dinah loved him unconditionally.
    He took his bow and stood watch while Harmony washed the dirt and grime off her. After thirty minutes he heard behind him, “I’m done.”
    He turned around as she was putting on the top of her uniform. He closed his eyes and knew that was a vision he would not soon forget. She pulled it over her head and looked at him, “I think you like what you saw.”
    “Harmony, don’t put this kind of pressure on me.”
    “I know; you’re promised to another.”
    “I am and this doesn’t help.”
    Harmony sighed heavily and said, “You’re right. I’ll respect your commitment.”
    “Let’s get moving.”
    Andy climbed in the saddle and pulled Harmony up behind him. He knew that riding Dinah alone would never feel the same again. Dinah started jogging south. At the end of the day they saw smoke rising in the distance. Harmony saw it first and Andy wondered what caused her to stiffen up behind him. He looked ahead and saw the smoke plumes. They continued riding south. Harmony was silent for the rest of the day.
    • • •
    That night Harmony said, “Andy, I should go with you.”
    “Two of us stand a better chance against them.”
    “Do you remember when I had Dinah run away with you from the Raptors?”
    “I do.”
    “Can you see where I stood a better chance without you present?”
    “Yes but this is different.”
    “No it’s not.”
    Harmony shook her head, “How is that so?”
    “I’m not going on foot to see them.”
    “You can’t take Dinah anywhere near those guns!”
    “I’m not. You’re going to keep her safe while I go and see.” Andy paused, “I’m going to fly there.” Harmony’s eyes narrowed. “I’m serious.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “I’ll show you in the morning. However, I need your promise that you will protect Dinah while I’m gone. You’ve seen enough now to avoid trouble. Use her to help you see it before it gets close. Will you swear to do that for me?”
    Harmony nodded and they found a place to bed down for the night. After a few hours,

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