
Read Online Tamed by Stacey Kennedy - Free Book Online

Book: Tamed by Stacey Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Kennedy
Tags: Romance
have a Dom not get annoyed and walk away from her, as every Dom in Club Sin had done. But to deeply understand her and fight for her submission.
    He pressed himself tight against her, loving how she felt cradled in his body, and her spicy scent wrapped around him, spiraling into his soul. He was sure he could stand like this for an hour, holding her and dragging his hands up and down her arms, so aware of her presence that he only wanted to absorb it. Dropping his head down to her neck, he caressed her hair and then tucked it over one shoulder, leaving her neck available to him.
    While she had changed his plans of a fun scene tonight, he wouldn’t let that overthrow him. He enjoyed touching her. He wanted to get inside her mind and soul, and he craved to understand this unusual connection between them. Nothing she could do would make him forget that fact.
    Her soft skin sent blood rushing to his cock. He ground himself against her bottom, showing her how much he still wanted her, no matter what she had done tonight. Proving to her that her bratty attitude didn’t make him reject her. She leaned against him with a sigh, and he dropped a kiss onto her neck. Then his attention went to Sawyer as the other Dom said to Porter, “Anything specific?”
    “Make it intense,” Porter called.
    “Fucking great,” Kenzie muttered.
    Porter chuckled, dragging his finger over the soft spot on her neck. Apparently, she was well aware how much this would suck for her, and that pleased him far more than anything else. She’d been too smart with her Doms. Too good at getting what she wanted. The point was clear enough now that Porter wouldn’t react the same way with her. And that was only because he saw things in her that others did not. She acted bratty to get something. What that was, he remained unsure. But Porter was damn well focused on showing her that bratty behavior would get her nowhere with him.
    He wanted a different Kenzie. The
Kenzie without the barriers.
    Sawyer studied Kenzie briefly before turning to the submissive bound to the cross. “Lucky for you, sub, tonight you’re getting a reward for doing nothing. No expectations from me. Enjoy yourself, sweetie.” He slid his hands over her back, massaging her and smacking the skin to ready it for his flogging.
    The brunette submissive groaned and wiggled her hips. Then Sawyer grabbed the flogger off the tray and stepped back. The leather tails flicked out gently at first, testing, until each second that passed, the scene intensified.
    Kenzie moved her hips, mirroring the submissive, as if Kenzie felt the leather kissing her flesh. Her bottom pressed against Porter’s hard cock, and he surmised this was a punishment to him as well. But he had all the patience in the world for Kenzie. He couldn’t allow her to knock him off his plan with her. He needed her to want him in a way she’d never wanted anyone before. Then he’d get inside her head more than anyone ever had.
    The question wasn’t Could he tame her? The question now was When and how would that happen?
    The slaps of the leather were the only sound Porter heard, until he became focused solely on the sounds of Kenzie’s breath by his ear. He ran his hands across her bare stomach, loving her lush body beneath his touch. When he moved upward and reached her breasts, he felt her shiver. Squeezing her round, ample breasts, he knew this was an evil punishment for her. Kenzie loved rough play, and the fact that she wasn’t getting it, but having to watch it, did make him a slightly evil bastard.
    What she’d done tonight would never happen again.
she would learn by the end of the night.
Never ignore my orders or you will not play at all, instead having to watch others—well-behaved submissives—get off,
his statement declared
He also hoped Kenzie would see past the punishment to the underlying knowledge that nothing she could do would make him walk away from her.
    Sawyer began the dance of

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