Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2)

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Book: Tamed by Love (Agent Lovers Series Book 2) by Harper Steen, Lesley Schuldt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Steen, Lesley Schuldt
eyes met, Liz’s breathing faltered. Never before had Gray’s feelings been mirrored so clearly in his eyes. Since he had confessed his love to her, he hadn’t bothered to hide it. And this made her clumsy in a way that she didn’t recognize in herself. Never had anyone or anything unsettled her. Something that she was proud of for a reason. Outside of love, her self-confidence had always allowed her get over her inadequacy of not being able to deal with her feelings.
    Liz swallowed as something, which felt like nervousness, took hold of her. Then she tilted her head back. Gray stood in front of her and she fervently hoped he wouldn’t say that he loved her. That wouldn’t be fair, as defenseless as she was feeling.
    Gray inadvertently helped her get over her moment of uncertainty with a joke. “I think it’s about time you take care of me, otherwise…”
    “You’ll find out.” He smiled, mischief dancing in his eyes. He lifted a hand and tenderly stroked her mouth with his fingertips before he leaned over and kissed her. Gray wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulled her close and lost himself in an irresistible kiss that put his self-control to the test.
    It was like that every time. Whenever he held Liz, he was no longer the master of the situation, didn’t even want to be. At that point, only the feelings she aroused in him were important and they increased in intensity every day.
    A little later he let go and whispered in her ear, “Since I didn’t get the first dance with you, you owe me.”
    Liz laughed and stroked the row of buttons on his shirt. “You weren’t fast enough.”
    “Not fast enough?” He feigned indignation and looked down at her.
    “Being slow works pretty well too.”
    “You can certainly bruise a man’s ego, you know that?” Gray lifted Liz up so her feet hovered a few inches above the tile floor and pressed a swift kiss on her mouth before he set her back down. “Will you take a shower with me? I love it when you soap my back.”
    “Is that a request or an order?” she teased and undid the bowtie around his neck. She took her time unbuttoning his shirt, untucked it, and slid it off his shoulders. It fluttered to the ground behind him. Then she stroked his torso with her hands and was pleased to see him shiver under her touch. Her lips followed the trail of her hands and Gray moaned. He grasped her hair, buried his hands in the soft curls and pulled her head up so he could kiss her again. He urged her toward the shower and murmured, “It’s a request. You don’t follow orders anyway.” In the next moment his lips were on hers again and smothered any comment.
    Without breaking the kiss, Gray slipped off his remaining clothes and tugged impatiently at the belt around Liz’s waist. With a soft laugh, she let him steer her toward the shower. After Gray had turned on the water, he reached for the shower gel and began gently to lather Liz’s body. His hands ran over her silky skin. He didn’t leave even the smallest spot untouched. Liz’s soft moans increased his excitement almost beyond measure. He gently spread her thighs apart, and softly rubbed her clitoris, before he slid two fingers deep into her hot interior. Her muscles closed tightly around his exploring fingers and Liz’s pelvis ground against him. “Gray … I want you!” she said.
    “I know, sweetheart.” With his other hand he clasped one of her breasts, bent forward and nibbled on her earlobe.
Who would have thought that an earlobe was such an erogenous zone
? Gray thought as Liz moaned.
    “Then take me, dammit!” she said, pressing her pelvis against his exploring hand.
    “Soon. We have all the time in the world.” But Liz didn’t want to be put off any longer and assumed the lead in this seductive game.
    She shifted out of his embrace, pressed Gray’s back against the wall and said, “Now I want to play a little.”
    He answered with a knowing smile. Then he closed his eyes,

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