TAMED: #2 in the Fit Trilogy
wanted to take things slow, giving her the walking tour that included stopovers at Dominants that didn’t interest at her all? He hadn’t even been her guide for the evening. He left that to Grant and Violet. What was the point of them going into this together if he wanted to give her an opportunity to do all this exploration with someone else?
    “I’m not saying you have to up and collar me or whatever, but for the time being I want you, okay? So don’t take me somewhere and leave me with your friends. And don’t leave me for other men to try and pick me up. I can do that all on my own.”
    He faced forward this time. Nailah watched the lights turn from red to green on the bottom half of his face. His goatee almost glowed. “Yeah,” he eventually said. “I hear you.”
    She turned back around and faced the window. “I just want you.” Her voice was a little quieter this time, but she knew he’d heard her.


    Armando finally understood the allure of hate-fucking. He’d taken Nailah to one of the most exclusive bondage clubs in the city. He’d introduced her to one of the most experienced, most skilled Dominant couples in the country in Philip and Evelyn.
    She’d been waited on and entertained by players that he had grown to love and admire, and here she was sulking like he’d taken her to some third rate hipster dive bar that made her check all her designer labels at the door. He wanted to make her see exactly what he was trying to expose her to—the larger picture, the variety of the community. It was more than the walls of his condo. He wanted to take her home and bang her silly until she stopped being so pissed off at him.
    Still, he understood why Nailah was upset. She felt ditched at the party and that had never been his intention. He genuinely thought it would be a good idea for her to get a sense of the scene without him hovering over her shoulder. That wasn’t what she wanted. She’d made that nice and clear, but Christ, she knew how to hit below the belt. She basically told him he was failing as a teacher, that he was failing as Dom.
    He couldn’t stand for that. She may have been mocking him, but he was going to show her a thing or two, way more than she’d bargained for, the second they set foot in his house.
    Nailah was quiet for the rest of the ride to his place, but when he parked his truck she let him open the door for her and she didn’t give him any shit when he reached for her overnight bag. She was silent all the way up the stairs. He pulled out his keys, then he turned to her. It was time to fix this.
    “Once I open this door you have five minutes to say whatever you need to say, and after that all I want to hear out if your mouth is yes sir, no sir, please sir and thank you, sir. That’s all I want to hear until we are through. Are we understood?”
    She wouldn’t look at him. She seemed unusually calm. “Yes.”
    Armando opened the door and let Nailah walk inside.
    “Now do you have anything else you want to say? Anything you want to get out of the way for the rest of the night? Need to make a phone call, send a text?”
    Nailah checked her nails like she could not be more bored, then looked him square in the eyes.
    “I just want you to stop bullshitting. I’m good with the phone calls.”
    “Sounds wonderful.” He held up her overnight bag, some leather Prada whosy-what that probably cost more than his truck. “You have your lady stuff in here? Lotion, toothbrush and crap?”
    “Yes, it’s filled with lady crap, like a toothbrush just for ladies.”
    “Great. Here.” He shoved the bag back in her direction. She took it from him with no argument. “Go do whatever you need to do to freshen up. There are towels and washcloths right in the bathroom. Then come back out here. No clothes, no shoes. Those heels look great, but you almost spiked me in the nuts last time.” He ignored the hint of a smile that tried to peek from her mouth. “Any

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