Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4)

Read Online Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4) by Carian Cole - Free Book Online

Book: Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4) by Carian Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carian Cole
just knew it was gonna happen."
    I finally turn to stare up at him. "And that wasn't enough?"
    He throws his hands up. "I don't know, I didn't even think about it in that way. I was just doing my usual shit."
    "That's great," I scoff.
    "It was just sex with some groupies. It didn't mean anything. It never means anything. We have sex and they leave. That's it," he says defensively.
    "That's awful!" He said groupies. That’s multiple girls.
    I walk away from him and flop onto the couch, crossing my arms over me. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about him having sex with all sorts of women while we were supposed to be thinking about getting married and committing to this process in every way. I was so excited when I found out they had my match picked and I was technically considered engaged. All I could think about was finally meeting him. I daydreamed constantly about what he would look like, how he would act, how we would fall in love at first sight.
    Meanwhile, he was screwing groupies with no thought or care about me at all.
    "Well, sorry, babe, but that’s how it's always been for me."
    "Stop calling me babe! You call everyone babe."
    "Sorry." He kneels down on the floor in front of me, but I refuse to look at him. "Are you jealous?"
    "No!" Maybe a little. "I was just hoping my future husband would show some restraint and commit to everything, like we were supposed to."
    "Okay, I fucked up a little. I won't do it again. I promise."
    "Does Dr. Hollister know about this?"
    He shrugs again. "I dunno. I didn't tell her."
    "She probably would have kicked you out of the experiment if she knew."
    "Too late now. Here we are."
    I want to kick him. "Here we are?" I repeat. "What about the tests? How do I know you're clean now?"
    His voice rises defensively. "I don't have any diseases. I was tested two weeks ago. Again. And I always wear protection."
    I twirl my finger around in the air. "Oh, yay!" I say sarcastically.
    "So when's the last time you did, Miss Perfect?"
    "Did what?"
    "Had sex with someone."
    Shit. I don't want to tell him the truth about that now, or he'll think I'm a freak for sure. "That's none of your business, but it was definitely not a month ago. I followed all the rules."
    He twirls his finger in the air, mocking me. "Yay for you. So tell me when."
    His lips curve into a slightly evil smile. "Tell me or I'll tickle you."
    I shake my head. "No. It was longer than three months; that's all you need to know."
    Before I can move, he lunges at me and starts tickling my sides, sending me into a fit of giggles. I am wickedly ticklish. I can't believe he's figured it out in less than a day and has used it twice now to break me. I grab at his hands. "Stop! Please!" I beg, laughing uncontrollably. He completely overpowers me with his size and muscle and pulls me onto the floor, kneeling over me, holding my hands in his at my sides.
    "You can't tickle me every time you want to get your way," I exclaim, trying to catch my breath.
    His hair falls down over his face as he smiles down at me. "Yes, I can." Even though he's straddling me, it doesn't go unnoticed that he's careful not to crush me. It also doesn't go unnoticed that his muscular thighs around my body put me in a position where I can't ignore the thick bulge evident beneath the thin faded jeans he's got on. Hot damn.
    "Tell me," he prods again, still holding my hands.
    "It's been a long time." I divert my gaze from his package and stare up into his face instead.
    "How long?"
    Sighing, I shift my attention over toward the windows. "Three years."
    "Three fucking years ?" he repeats loudly in disbelief. "How the hell are you even alive?"
    "Ha-ha," I say, squirming. "Let me go, please."
    "Not yet. First, tell me why so long?"
    I glare up at him. "Do you really have to embarrass me like this?"
    "I'm not trying to embarrass you at all. I'm just trying to get to know you and figure you out."
    "I haven't had a relationship in a long time, and I've had really bad

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