Tales Of Lola The Black

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Book: Tales Of Lola The Black by A.J. Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Martinez
through Alexandria.
    The wind blows and billows her long skirt of black bird feathers and leather. She fixed her long raven black hair over her shoulders and closed her eyes at the soothing breeze. “Today I will fly to the top of the castle for the first time.” She said. Lola has wanted to enter the castle for such a long time ever since she first started living in the city.
    Very few can enter the castle. Only the high class and those who work for the king have the privilege to enter. Anyone else who wishes to enter must have beneficial reasons or permission from someone of authority. The Alexandrian dynasty resides in the castle and it is heavily guarded with skilled guards of swordplay and advanced magic of every element. Lola felt nervous yet excited. She loved risky situations. I am a step closer to learning the truth. I will learn the secrets of darkness. My darkness .
    “What is it with you and high places?” Lola heard a voice from behind her. She turned around and there stood Dougal. The black wolf with ram horns on his head and two tails. Lola smiled at the wolf and said “I love the view. It’s romantic.”
    “You never fail to worry me.” Dougal said. He walked to the edge of the roof and gazed with Lola. The two had been living in the capital city and drifting throughout the country for three years now. Three long years of freedom. Taking odd jobs and going with the wind.
    “What are we going to tell Jazelle?” Dougal asked.
    “She already knows.” Lola answered.”Don’t worry she has our trust but she will remain in the Inn while we are away.”
    “Then let’s get ready. I am eager to see this grimoire Perim spoke of.” Dougal said.
    “I heard it was ancient.” Lola said with enigma and stared back at the colossal sword sheath in the castle. “I spoke to the librarians of the city yesterday and they said that such grimoire belonged to a magus that was related to Prodigus Kollos. That it is but a myth and such magic manuals are no longer written.”
    “I see” Dougal pondered. “Perim told us that the grimoire lies in the castle of the Alexandrian dynasty. Hahaha. It is with no doubt that such powerful tools are kept secret and only used by those with power and authority. Perim did not want anyone to know of the grimoire since he worked for the king.”
    “Today we shall find the truth.” Lola stated. “I have a feeling that this grimoire will have more to offer than just a solution to our prayers.”
    “You think so.”
    “I feel so or at least Omegus is guiding me. Telling me that I must obtain this grimoire regardless of what I must do.” Lola said as if the unknown beyond the realm of light had shown her destiny.
    “By the way who is this Prodigus Kollos you mentioned?” Dougal asked as if something had eluded him.
    “You have never heard of the myth of Prodigus Kollos?” Lola was surprised Dougal had not heard of the common fairy tale of Alexandria.
    “Afraid not. Why don’t you tell me this fairy tale?” Dougal said annoyed scratching his ears with his foot.
    “Prodigus Kollos was said to be the pioneer of magic itself. He is the one to have discovered the mystics of mana and how to transform it from one’s body into different physicals forms. He was the first fire magus. In fact it is said that he mastered all four magical elements as well as the three grand attributes of darkness, divine magic and the rare art of twilight. How have you not heard of the myth of Prodigus Kollos. Did you not pay attention in Perim’s classes?”
    “Sorry but mythology is just not my thing you see.” Said the wolf and jumped off the roof of the Inn to the second floor’s balcony.
    “I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings.” Lola lost sight of Dougal below. “That wolf form has seriously changed him.” Lola felt his pain. Dougal wants to be human again so that he can embrace her like he once did. So that he can love her like he once did and hold her hand as they once did three years

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