Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC

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Book: Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC by Liberty Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liberty Parker
decide I don’t wanna be the bad guy by not pickin out someone’s name so I call for our prospect who’s standin at the door.
    When he gets in the room I tell him to pick four guys names from the hat. I figure four is enough with me, an enforcer and a prospect that’s seven men total. Surely we can take out one little ole rat on our own. This prospect hasn’t even earned a name yet. He’s so new we just call him prospect. We never use given names and never share em with anyone.
    Un-named Prospect: (birth name: Kyle) to make it fair I shake up the hat first so it doesn’t look like I’m just gonna take names right off the top.
    “Here we go, “Wasp”, “Tumbler”, “Smoke”, and “Kid”.
    What I didn’t let anyone know and will never if it’s up to me is that, those weren’t the names I actually drew out. Those were they names of the ones who needed to go. I knew it as well as every man at that table knew it.
    I just hope no one ever found out, I could lose the possibility of ever getting my patch. I’ve dreamed of being a Rage Ryder since I was a boy and Kid may not remember me, but he saved my life. In return, I will make sure he gets his revenge. If the only way I can help that along is by ‘pulling his name from the hat’ then so be it.
    King: “You four ride out at dawn tomorrow with Sniper, Ghost and this newbie Prospect, we might get a name for ya outta this boy. We will have unregistered for the job, only Ghost will be carryin them for you in his compartment that is hidden and no cop has found as to date yet. Once y’all hit the roundup site you will find somewhere to park and take him by surprise. I don’t want Cassidy endin up a tragedy due to one of our mistakes brothers, so pay close attention to your actions. Go home, get some booze, some pussy and some beauty rest. You leave early, and may Rage be with you. Meetin over.”
    I slam my fist on the table dismissin the boys for their night of rest and activity. As I start to stand from my chair I notice Ryder in front of me .
    “What is it son?”
    Ryder: “Prez, I need you to consider lettin me go with the guys. I have never not had their backs before and it won’t be right that this is the first time. We’ve never not been there for each other. Tumbler, Kid and I have unspoken communication, we know what the other’s gonna do just from a look or a signal. I would feel like I’m lettin them and myself down if I wasn’t there sir.”
    King: I look over to my V.P, knowing this is his son, and he’s right, those three have never been apart and I always send them together for the reasons he just said. They are the best at silent communications and knowin what each other’s gonna do. What worries me, is can Sniper concentrate with his son there. I of course voice these concerns to both of them and they both laugh at me. Damn, it’s a good thing I don’t take their asses seriously or I’d make an example of them.
    “Alright son, but if this gets screwed up because of you and your old man being unable to concentrate due to the other one bein in some sort of situation the other can’t stand, I’m gonna whip you both and make an example of ya, V.P or not. Are we understood?”
    They both smile at me the same smile the other one has, and they both throw their hands out at the same time. You wouldn’t think father and son, you’d think twins. One just born many, many years before the other one.
    Sniper: “Hey motherfucker! I’m not that fuckin old. As a matter of fact, I do believe you’re older!”
    King: “Fuck me, did I say that shit out loud?”
    I forget my V.P is age sensitive. I chuckle to myself, he truly is. I look at Ryder who’s barely keepin his shit together on the floor like a hyena laughin his ass off. This just put a smile on my face, gettin Sniper’s goat just made my day, it’s been awhile since I yanked his chain.

    I can’t stand watching

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