Take the A-Train

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Book: Take the A-Train by Mark Timlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Timlin
    ‘Samuel Watkins.’
    ‘I’m none the wiser.’
    ‘He’s also known as Emerald.’
    ‘Yeah, wait a minute, that rings a bell.’
    ‘He’s being done for intent to supply Class-A drugs, cocaine, a half a million pounds’ worth. Warrants were issued last night sometime.’
    ‘I think I heard about it. He’s some old superannuated South London face isn’t he?’
    ‘I don’t think he’d be too fond of the description, but yes I suppose you could say that.’
    ‘He’s on the run, isn’t he?’
    ‘And you’re helping him.’
    ‘So you’ve seen him?’
    ‘That’s right.’
    ‘Sharman, you do put yourself on offer, don’t you?’
    ‘He’s going to give himself up. Might even have done it by now.’
    ‘Good plan.’
    ‘To Danny Fox.’
    ‘This gets better and better. Why him?’
    ‘Emerald’s not in love with the idea of the Met taking care of his accommodation needs for the foreseeable future.’
    ‘Was that your idea?’
    ‘You won’t win any popularity contests.’
    ‘I’ll survive.’
    ‘Don’t be so sure.’
    ‘That’s not the point.’
    ‘What is?’
    ‘He’s innocent.’
    Endesleigh choked back a laugh. ‘Tell me about it! Someone else left half a million’s worth of coke on your friend’s premises? Careless, wouldn’t you say? Especially on the very night the drug squad had nothing better to do.’
    ‘That place was clean at ten last night. Christ, Endesleigh. Emerald had been tipped off. He had an anonymous call purporting to be from one of your own. He’d be pretty stupid not to send in a clean-up team. He had plenty of time.’
    ‘You’ve got my attention.’
    ‘Besides, he’s not into coke,’ I insisted.
    ‘Sez who?’
    ‘Him. And me, for that matter. He never has been in all the years I’ve known him.’
    ‘Tell that to the jury.’
    ‘Come on,’ I said. ‘Never heard of a stitch up?’
    ‘And if he’s a friend of yours it would be?’
    ‘In this case, yes.’
    ‘And who’s the stitcher?’
    ‘Bimpson Lupino, he thinks.’
    Endesleigh stifled another laugh. ‘This gets better. All those old bastards are due the retirement home. It’ll be Ronnie and Reggie next. Give me a break! Give yourself a break. Claim industrial injuries and get lost. Take a holiday.’
    ‘I am giving you a break,’ I said. ‘You could do yourself a bit of good.’
    ‘If it was a copper who told Emerald, then one of your boys is bent, if it wasn’t …’
    ‘If it wasn’t I’m not interested.’
    ‘But it had to come from inside the squad whoever tipped him off.’
    ‘If anyone did. Perhaps he’s just blowing smoke in your face. Perhaps he’s telling porkies.’
    ‘Why should he?’
    ‘How the hell do I know? He’s in a bind. Wouldn’t you?’
    ‘But why me? I’m not the DPP.’
    ‘That’s for you to find out. Now listen, I like you, Sharman, I really do. But, sorry, not interested.’
    ‘And if I can get you some proof?’
    ‘That, of course, is a different matter. But it’ll have to be good, I’ll be treading on serious toes.’
    ‘I’ll come back to you.’
    ‘Be careful.’
    ‘Your concern is touching.’
    ‘I like you alive. You’re the original “There but for the grace of God” man.’
    ‘Sweet,’ I said. ‘Look, I’ve got to go. I’ll be talking to you.’
    ‘I wait with bated breath.’

    I  put down the phone, and picked it straight up again and called Fiona. We had a date for that evening and I wanted to tell her what had gone down. She was working on a session for the Star. I got through to the photographer’s studio and climbed rung by rung from the receptionist to the photographer’s assistant.
    I asked if Fiona was free and the sniffy boy who answered blew something nasal down the phone, dropped it on to a hard surface and abandoned me. I waited for two or three minutes, listening to a Pet Shop Boys tape interspersed with laughter and screaming, before

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