Take a Chance on Me

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Book: Take a Chance on Me by Carol Wyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Wyer
dancing performance one afternoon, here in the café, or possibly serve the customers in your outfit!’ He waggled large bushy eyebrows at her. She was fairly certain he was joking but since his large moustache covered his mouth, it was difficult to tell.
    â€˜Let me think about that for a moment,’ said Charlie. ‘Um… no!’ she finished emphatically.
    â€˜It was worth asking,’ chuckled Art.
    â€˜The class was a laugh but there is no way I am shimmying around the café in a belly dancing outfit. The public would be put off their food for sure. Talking of which, what’s the soup of the day?’ Charlie asked, changing the subject.
    â€˜Carrot and coriander. I’m also making vegetarian quiches, cottage pies and apple crumble. People love comfort food when it’s chilly. Did you get my message about the Death by Chocolate Cake?’
    â€˜Yep, you sold out. I baked two more last night. They’re in the bottom boxes. I’ll put one out in the display cabinet and leave the other in the larder. You did sell it, didn’t you, and not scoff it yourself?’
    â€˜I might have had a tiny slice for afternoon tea,’ he replied, rubbing his stomach. ‘Let’s get down to business. It’s Mother and Toddler group at nine-thirty. Patricia has fired the pots the little ones painted last week, so they can take them home today. You’ll need to put out the large tubs of crayons in the Rainbow room. I’ve already laid out books and the soft toys.’
    â€˜I baked two dozen fairy cakes for them. They enjoyed those last week. I put pink and blue icing on the top of them this time.’
    â€˜Super,’ replied Art, wiping his hands on his apron. ‘Upstairs in the back room, we have a creative writing group. They arrived first thing, so if you could nip up there in an hour with cakes and coffee that would be much appreciated. There’s no one in the front room. It has been taken since last November when we had the upholstery club mending chairs in there. I probably need to advertise it some more.’
    â€˜Is Patricia working in the craft shop?’
    â€˜No, she’s halfway through some pottery pieces she wants to paint. She sold three of those fat cow pots last week so she’s trying out a line in chubby sheep. A new artist asked us to display some painted mirrors in the shop. They’re a little too ornate for my taste, but if they sell, we’ll get our usual ten per cent commission. We’ll cover the shop between us.’ he replied, tugging on his moustache thoughtfully. ‘Oh yes, I almost forgot, someone has kindly donated more books for our Quiet Room. They’re in a cardboard box in the corridor. If you get time, could you arrange them for me please?’
    â€˜Of course. I’ll get these cakes out and then do it before it gets too busy.’
    Charlie unpacked her cakes, cut them into generous-sized portions and displayed them in the cabinet. She was washing her hands when Patricia, dressed in jeans and a large shirt that was splattered with small globs of clay, came bustling through the door. She held three small painted mugs in her hands.
    â€˜Not bad at all,’ she said, waving the mugs. ‘One or two of the little darlings show talent. Look at this one.’ She showed Charlie a mug. Someone had painted a rainbow on it and under it written Katie .
    â€˜That’s rather good given the children are only three and four years old.’
    Charlie looked at the assembled mugs now resting on the counter. She turned one around. It was painted yellow. On the front was a large smiling face with blue eyes and corkscrew hair. For Mummy was written in child’s writing under the happy face.
    â€˜Oh, you would treasure that forever, wouldn’t you?’ Charlie said, a small lump forming in her throat. ‘Okay, I’d better get the books unpacked,’ she continued, hastening away before

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