Take a Bow (The Perfect Plans Series Book 2)

Read Online Take a Bow (The Perfect Plans Series Book 2) by C.J. Wells - Free Book Online

Book: Take a Bow (The Perfect Plans Series Book 2) by C.J. Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Wells
Tags: The Perfect Plans Series #2
through the delicate brushes of his lips against my skin.
    Nothing I need to worry about …“You’ve done something,” I push his shoulders to draw the attention of his gaze. “What did you do?”
    His delicious mouth pulls up at the corner before he gently grabs my nape to kiss me. It’s an obvious attempt at distraction, and despite how easily I could give in to it, I brush him off. “Spill it, Tate,” I order with a playful glare.
    “Spill what?” he questions coyly, aiming for my neck again. “I haven’t done anything…recently.” He ups the game of his nibbling lips with his caressing fingers down my spine.
    “Recently?” I pull away once more, biting the corner of my mouth to avoid giving in to the adorable pout he offers. “Please tell me you didn’t do something crazy like pay my lease out?” I laugh - I was joking. His expression, however, is spoiling the humor. “Alex? What did…?” I trail off, suddenly remembering the day we met with Amira - the way she looked to Alex momentarily when I asked what the rent would be. “What exactly did you and Amira discuss before I came to the flat that day?”
    “We discussed you, of course.”
    He lets out a defeated sigh with an awkward smile. “Let’s just say, Amira and I came to an understanding about the rent.”
    “What kind of understanding ?”
    “A mutually exclusive agreement.”
    “Alex Tate, I swear, if you don’t…”
    “I offered to pay her rent for the six months she is away, if she agreed to sublet her flat to…”
    “ What ?”
    Smiling, he shrugs.
    “Well, that certainly explains the low rent I pay,” I shake my head, unsure if I should be appalled or flattered. “And what exactly would you have done if I hadn’t agreed to go out with you after all that?”
    “The thought never entered my mind.” His devilish smile is ridiculous. The man could melt butter.
    “Oh, really…cocky much?”
    “Not at all, I actually wasn’t thinking that far ahead.” He takes my hand to kiss it. “I just knew I had to make it happen.” The sincerity in his gaze is my undoing, akin to an injection of a mind-numbing drug into my veins. My body reacts to the familiar rush that only he can give me. “The rent you have been paying has been going to a charity that Amira and I agreed upon.”
    “You’re incredible,” I shake my head.
    “It’s a charity near and dear to my heart,” he begins to explain as though he should, “…however, you can choose your own, now that you know.”
    “You really are a wonderful man, Alexander Tate,” I take his face in my hands to kiss his beautiful lips.
    “I don’t know about that,” he replies, shyly. “I do, however, know that I would have done whatever I had to, to make you mine.”
    And I almost gave you up …my breath hitches at the thought.
    “So, back to what we were discussing,” he pulls my lip from its bite with his thumb, caressing my jaw. “Will you move to L.A. with me?”
    “Oh, that. I just don’t know…” I play indifference, pretending to fiddle with my hair.
    “Aby, I can’t go without…”
    “Yes! Of course I’ll move to L.A. with you!” I wrap my arms around his neck, a little too tightly.
    “Aby, I…can’t breath,” he mutters playfully.
    “We’re going to L.A.!” I jump up on the bed to pull my imagined leap into reality, landing on my side, pulling him into my arms; the bedframe swaying from the impact, its creaks akin to an eerie horror movie sound effect.
    “You’re excited about this,” he notes, wrapping me in his arms.
    “I’m excited about you…just being with you,” I correct him, melting into his kiss.
    “I think you will be excited about Necker too,” he says, pulling away to rain kisses down my neck.
    “Necker?” I question, giggling. “Are you suggesting you want to brand me, Mr. Tate? Hickey’s are highly frowned upon.”
    “I’m suggesting four days to ourselves on Necker Island,” his lips twist into a smile

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