Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

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Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
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Wow. He says he missed you and wants you to come back to Hollywood. Gosh, Taffy. Raven Blaine —the Raven Blaine—wants to go out with you! How can you stand it? It ' s the most exciting thing I ' ve ever heard of! How can you even breathe ? "
    " I keep pinching myself to be sure I ' m awake, " Taffy admitted. " But you know what bothers me . . . Cory. Oh, Shawnie, I like him, too. Honest. I really do. " Shawnie gave Taffy a sympathetic sigh. " Yeah, and so does Kimm. I ' ve been watching how she looks at him. What are you going to do? "
    " I don ' t know, " said Taffy. " But I ' m sure not going to break up with Cory and let Kimm have him. That much I know. "
    Taffy was in third-period English class later that morning when a student messenger from the office entered the classroom and handed Miss Dickinson a note. The teacher read the note quickly and then said, " Taffy, Mr. Bell would like to see you in his office right away. You may take your books in case you ' re not back before the bell. "
    Taffy nodded and murmured thank you to Miss Dickinson. As she hurried down the hallway, she tried to figure out what Mr. Bell could want.
    I couldn ' t be in trouble, she reasoned. I haven ' t done anything. Yikes. I hope nothing is wrong at home.
    When she got to the office, Mr. Bell motioned her to his desk, all smiles. " Come on in, Taffy. I have some good news, and I wanted you to hear it before I announce it to the school over the public address system. "
    Taffy blinked at the principal. Things were getting more mysterious by the minute.
    " Your mother just called, " Mr. Bell went on, " and Nobody Likes Tiffany Stafford is going to be shown on television at four p.m. tomorrow. Isn ' t that wonderful news? "
    Taffy nodded eagerly. " Tomorrow? " she murmured. " I didn ' t expect it to be shown quite so soon. " Then something else Mr. Bell had said caught her attention. " You ' re going to announce it to the whole school? "
    " Of course, " Mr. Bell assured her. " I ' m sure everyone will want to watch. It ' s not every day our school can boast it has its own movie star. "
    Taffy couldn ' t suppress a smile. Now everyone would see what a good actress she was. Let ' s see how they treat me after that, she thought smugly.
    Mr. Bell made the announcement during the next period, and for the rest of the day the school buzzed with excitement. Kids even stopped Taffy in the halls to ask her about the movie.
    " They act as if they don ' t really believe it, " she complained to Shawnie after school.
    " It ' s like I told you before, " said Shawnie. " Nobody from Wacko has ever done anything like it, so it ' s hard for some kids to imagine. "
    " Why don ' t you come over to my house tomorrow and watch the movie with me, " suggested Taffy. " We could even make it into a party and invite Cory and Craig. "
    " Wow. That would be terrific, " replied Shawnie. " I ' ll talk to Craig if you want me to. "
    " Okay, " said Taffy. " I ' ll ask Cory. "
    Taffy waited at Cory ' s locker after school. She had thought up the party on the spur of the moment, and now she was a little nervous. What if her friends didn ' t think her acting was great after all?
    Of course it ' s great, she told herself sternly. But down deep she knew that that wasn ' t what was really bothering her. What would Cory think when he saw her on the screen with Raven? Maybe she shouldn ' t have suggested a party. Maybe she should have planned to watch in private.
    But it was too late to change her mind, and when she told Cory about the party, his face lit up. " Sure, " he said. " It sounds great. I can ' t believe you ' re really going to be in front of us on the screen. " Then his face clouded, and he added, " This doesn ' t mean you ' re going back to Hollywood, does it? "
    It was the question Taffy had been dreading. She took a deep breath and crossed her fingers behind her back before she answered. " Of course not. The producers haven ' t made any decisions about the TV series

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