Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

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Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
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I want to go back to Hollywood. That ' s where I really fit in.
    Taffy had trouble sleeping that night. There was no doubt now. She had made up her mind. If the movie became a television series, she would return to Hollywood. It was the only choice, now that she thought about it. She would never fit in at Wakeman Junior High, no matter how hard she tried.
    But what about Cory? she thought. How can I possibly keep going steady with him if I go back to Hollywood? And what if Raven asks me out? I can ' t go, she told herself sadly. But I can ' t break up with Cory, either. He ' ll be so hurt.
    And what about Shawnie? she asked herself. She ' s my best friend. How can I just desert her? Of course, she does have Kimm, Taffy reasoned. A tiny flame of jealousy flared at the thought of Kimm. First she tries to steal my best friend, and now she ' s after my boyfriend. How can I just go off and let Kimm get away with that?
    Taffy flopped over onto her stomach and buried her face in her pillow. I ' ll just have to face it when and if the time comes, she decided .

    Ta ffy waited until dinner was over and her parents were settled in the family room, watching a news program on TV. Then she excused herself and went quietly to the phone in the upstairs hall to call Shawnie without being overheard. She was bursting to tell someone about her letter from Raven, and Shawnie was the only one she could tell.
    The phone had scarcely rung once when Shawnie ' s mother answered.
    " Hi, Mrs. Pendergast, this is Taffy Sinclair. May I please speak to Shawnie? "
    " I ' m sorry, Taffy, but Shawnie is doing her homework. You ' ll have to speak to her at school in the morning, " Mrs. Pendergast said curtly.
    Taffy sighed. She had forgotten how strict Shawnie ' s parents were. They controlled her time and her activities more than any other parents Taffy could think of. " Thanks, " she murmured dejectedly and hung up.
    Taffy tried to begin her own homework, but her eyes kept being drawn like twin magnets to the letter from Raven lying on the edge of her desk.
    " He wasn ' t kidding when he said he liked me the night before I left Hollywood, " she whispered to her self, " He does! He does! HE DOES! "
    But what about Cory? asked a little voice in her mind.
    Taffy sat up straight and frowned. " What about him? " she answered angrily. " Nobody even knows yet if I ' m staying here or going back to Hollywood. "
    Just the same, she knew she couldn ' t say a word about Raven to anyone who might tell Cory.
    The next morning Taffy motioned wildly to Shawnie the instant she saw her across the school grounds. " Hurry! I ' ve got something to show you, " she called.
    Shawnie ' s eyes were glowing with excitement when she reached Taffy. " What is it? Did you hear some news about the TV series? "
    Taffy shook her head and grinned. " Better than that, " she said. " Guess. "
    " I can ' t. Oh, Taffy, don ' t keep me in suspense, " begged Shawnie. " What is it? "
    Taffy reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out Raven ' s letter with a dramatic flourish. " Feast your eyes, " she commanded.
    Shawnie ' s mouth dropped open as she clutched the envelope and read the return address. " Oh, my gosh! " she shrieked at the top of her lungs. " It ' s a letter from Raven Blaine! "
    " Shh! " said Taffy, but it was too late. All around them, kids stopped their own conversations to stare at Taffy and Shawnie.
    " Oh, no, " Taffy wailed. " I wanted to keep it a secret. Now everybody knows. "
    Shawnie looked mortified. " I ' m sorry, Taffy, " she said. " I didn ' t mean to. It ' s just that . . . well . . . I mean, a letter from Raven Blaine! I guess I just went berserk! "
    Taffy glanced around quickly. No one was looking at them anymore. Maybe, just maybe, no one had heard Shawnie.
    " I tried to call you last night to tell you, " said Taffy, " but your mother wouldn ' t let me talk to you. "
    Shawnie rolled her eyes. " It figures, " she said, and began reading the letter. "

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