Sworn to the Wolf

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Book: Sworn to the Wolf by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
pressed up against something very warm and very firm. She opened her eyes slowly. Oh yeah , she thought with a smile. Laurent. He lay sleeping, one arm lying across her stomach, the other up above her head. One of his thighs was thrown over hers. Their hair spread out, entwined across the pillows. The sun came through the windows and she extricated herself from him to go and look out over Puget Sound at the glittering water and the ferries dotting the horizon.
    The night before had been more than just good sex, it had shattered her tiny life and set it on its ear. Last night, being with him had felt so good, so right—it scared the hell out of her. He was this sophisticated older man and she was already on her way to falling in love. She felt like a rube but at the same time it was wonderful to be so damned happy. She just didn’t want to be in some lopsided relationship with a guy who buzzed into town for dinner and a quick fuck every once in a while.
    “I’ve never opened my eyes in the morning to a more beautiful sight,” Laurent said sleepily. “Come back to bed, I’m lonely without you.”
    She turned and saw him there, her heart leaped into her throat. “You’ve never seen a more beautiful sight? Laurent Cole, you’re an exemplary specimen of manhood, all broad and muscled, that glorious hair spread out around you. You’re like sex on legs.”
    She crawled back into bed with him, into the refuge of his arms.
    “Mmm, you feel good and you inflate my ego as well as my cock. I think I’ll keep you.” He moved in for a kiss.
    She ducked back. “Don’t kiss me, I have morning breath. Sheesh, I’m a novice at this spending the night thing, I don’t even have a change of clothes or a toothbrush.”
    He kissed her forehead. “I have an extra toothbrush for you and I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of buying you a few things. Some clothes for you to have here should you wish to stay over in the future. I’m not in Seattle every day. My job keeps me up at the lodge most of the time but I’d like to come out as often as I can to see you. Soon, I’d love for you to come up to the lodge. I think you’d like it. It’s beautiful. A much slower pace. You can see the stars at night. And my family, well I told them about you so I know they want to meet you.”
    “You have this whole life so far away from here.” God, she could get really hurt by this man if she gave him her heart and he didn’t want to change his life.
    “You’re my life. I live a few hours’ drive from here but I make it often enough for business I can surely do it to see you. I’ve arranged it with my boss so my trips here can be work related.”
    “This is moving pretty fast. I mean, you just met me two days ago and now you’re saying I’m your life?” She felt so calm about it, she knew she should be wary but it all seemed so right, so normal. Still, she didn’t just fall off the potato truck and instant true love did not happen.
    “Listen, aren’t there things in your life that you just knew to be so?”
    “I suppose, a few.”
    “Well then. From the moment I saw you in The Black Cat the other morning I knew that I wanted to be with you. Trust me. Trust yourself. Let’s learn one another. When do you have your next days off?”
    “I do four days a week and then three days off. I’m off today, tomorrow and Sunday.”
    “Come with me to the lodge then. Just for the afternoon. It’s a long drive, yes, but I’d like you to meet the people I consider to be my family. If you like, you can stay over. I’d like that. But baby steps first. Come and see it and I’ll bring you back tonight. We can stay in a hotel if we get too tired.”
    “I don’t know. I do a lot of painting on my days off.”
    Warming to the topic, he sat up, disarming her with how beautiful he was. “Bring your supplies with you, paint there. The light’s fantastic. The air is clean. Today is clear. The lodge sits on Star Lake. You’ll love

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