Swiss Family Robinson

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Book: Swiss Family Robinson by Daisy Alberto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daisy Alberto
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gun. “No!” I cried. “Never take the life of any animal needlessly. A live monkey is of more use than a dozen dead ones. Watch.”
    I gathered a handful of small stones and threw them at the monkeys. A monkey’s instinct is to copy. So they grabbed all the coconuts they could reach from the treetops and threw them right at us!
    We picked some up and pierced holes in them. We drank the milk through the holes. Then I split them open and we ate the cream that lined their shells. After this delicious meal, we took a couple of the nuts and started home. Things were beginning to look up.
    Suddenly Turk darted after one of themonkeys. We found a tiny baby monkey hiding in the grass, trembling. When he saw us, he jumped on Fritz’s shoulder and held tight to his hair.

    “What a jolly little fellow!” exclaimed Fritz. “Do let me try to care for it.”
    I agreed. Fritz called Turk and seated the monkey on the dog’s back. The monkey rode along perfectly at ease.
    At the end of the day, we neared the camp and our dear ones came running to greet us. A tempting meal awaited. Several fish and a bird were roasting over the fire. The gravy dripped into a large shell placed beneath them.
    We sat down to dinner and used our gourds for the first time. We ate coconuts for dessert. And Fritz fed coconut milk to the little monkey, whom we named Mr. Knips. With my family around me and my stomach full, I began to feel content in our new home.
    The next day, I decided to return to thewreck with Fritz to rescue the animals left there. I also wanted to bring back many of the items on board.
    The ship had carried supplies for a new colony. So it had everything we might need. To my great joy, we found guns and knives, kitchen utensils, wine, meat, seeds, nails, matches, and more tools.
    We spent the night on board the wreck. In the morning, we made swimming belts for the animals. I caught a sheep. Then I tied a piece of cloth around its belly and hooked some empty tins to it. This done, Fritz and I flung the animal overboard. Our plan worked, and the sheep bobbed in the water! We did the same for all the animals. Each animal had a cord around its neck. We held on to the other ends and rowed for shore, drawing the herd after us.
    The sea was calm and my spirits were high. With the supplies and the animals, we could live comfortably for as long as we might be on the island.
    Suddenly Fritz yelled and drew his gun. A huge shark was swimming straight for one of our sheep! Fritz fired. The bullet found its mark and the shark sank into the water. The lucky sheep escaped what would surely have been a grisly end.
    “Well done, Fritz!” I cried, and steered us safely home.

W e were greeted on land with shouts of joy. My wife told us that she and the boys had found a beautiful grove of giant trees. The trunks were lifted high off the ground by great arching roots. The leafy branches offered cool shade. And the ground itself was carpeted in soft green leaves.
    “If we could build a house in one of those trees, I should feel perfectly happy” she said.
    I considered her plan. “Suppose we build your nest in the trees,” I suggested, “but keep this rocky place as a fortress.”
    Everyone was excited about living in the treetops. Before we left, we built a bridge across a nearby stream to make our journey easier.
    We packed our bags and placed the bundles on the cow’s back. The donkey was also put to work carrying bundles and bags.
    We crossed the bridge and were making good progress when the dogs suddenly dashed off. We heard a furious barking, followed by a howling. I had no doubt a dangerous animal had attacked them!
    “Father! Come quickly!” cried Jack. “A huge porcupine!”
    Sure enough, the dogs had tried to seize the creature and had been wounded by itsquills. They would learn to stay away from porcupines in the future!
    We marched on until we reached our new home. The site was just as my wife had described.
    We unloaded the animals.

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