Swingin' in the Rain
know, George.”
      “All the horrible secrets you’ve told me over the years. Have I ever betrayed you?” I wasn’t exactly sure what “horrible” secrets he was talking about but I let it slide for the moment. “You don’t know what’s going to happen at that club, Alex,” he said. “Besides, I’ve always wanted to go to a real swinger’s club.”
      “Really? Okaaay, but it’s not a gay swinger’s club—“
      “All the better. I’m going to disguise myself as a straight man. An adventurous, woman loving straight man. I love it! I have to go with you, Sweetie. When was the last time we had some fun? Huh?” he asked. “You really do need somebody with you that you can count on.”
      This covert operation was getting more crowded by the minute. Before I could protest again or ask about my “horrible” secrets he asked, “And who’s gonna do your hair? You need to have swinger’s hair! Something circa nineteen sixty five. We need to rat it up really high. What should I wear? Maybe a jumpsuit? How dope would that be? What are you gonna wear? Something sexy. Like a dress straight out of Mad Men?”
      “George! This isn’t a role I’m playing. Swinger’s don’t dress any differently than anyone else.” I paused. “Well, actually they do. Patti told me that tonight is cowboy night and I have to wear something western. Tonja’s coming over at eight. We’re going to get ready together.”
      “Cowboy night? That settles that. I am not taking no for an answer. I’m going. I have the best cowpoke outfit from two Halloweens ago. I have something for you, too!”
      “No thanks, Georgie. I got it covered.”
      “Okay. But if you change your mind--” I assured him I wouldn’t. “I’ll be there at eight,” he said. “I’ll do both your hair. Wouldn’t Tonja love that?”
      “Well, yeah, what chick wouldn’t,” I said, “but we still need a babysitter for Sarah.”
      “No problem, I’ll bring him with me.”
      “Wayne? Does he have the time?” Wayne was George’s longtime partner and my second closest friend in the world.
      “He’s between projects,” George said. “Plus he loves Sarah.”
      “And she loves him. Okay, I’ll call Tonja and tell her what’s up.”
      “Good,” he said. “Then we’ll be there at eight.”
      “And Georgie?”
      “Let’s not go too over the top with the costume, okay? I mean, don’t dress as a cow or a horse, please.”
      I was thinking back to the Halloween party at Hef’s a couple years ago. George had dressed as a big fluffy lamb.
      “We don’t want to attract too much attention,” I told him.
      “Sweetie,” he said, “we don’t wanna stand out for the wrong reason, either. If you know what I mean?” I think I heard him wink.

      “George, you are a car snob,” I said.
      “Why? Because I don’t want to be in your beat up Explorer with those strappy things slapping all over the place?”
      “They are surfboard racks, George. And who cares, anyway?” I was getting tired of the people I loved picking on my Explorer.
      “I want to arrive in style, Sweetie. We have people to impress.” This coming from the man who had on cow print chaps and a ten gallon hat.
      Tonja had fared better. She was wearing a suede miniskirt and cowboy boots with a rhinestone bustier and a cute cowboy hat. I basically had on the same thing she did except my skirt was denim and I had added a kerchief. Thank God I never threw anything away. I had found these clothes in a storage box in my garage, leftovers from the 80’s.
      “Are you sure we’re in the right area? This doesn’t look like any club neighborhood to me. Where the hell is this place?” George asked.
      “This is right,” Tonja piped in. “These kinds of clubs are always out in the boonies. So as not to attract any attention. Keep driving! It should be on the left.”
      I wasn’t too sure about

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