Sweet Seduction Serenade
outside, but frequently ride the rodeo just as hard as the men. I don't know why, but when I'm on stage, the world falls away and it all becomes a show. These people knew what had happened to cause the bruise that was now only a small ache in the back of my mind, but I was in charge of the story as soon as I started playing and fell into the role of cowgirl-on-stage.
    And the way I told it, had them believing the story for the duration of the time I performed as well. That's what's so beautiful about Country music. It pulls you in, it captures your mind as well as your heart, and it doesn't let go until the show is well and truly over. For tonight, I was their cowgirl. Each and every one.
    As Adam wasn't there to sing my song to, I chose another of the black-clad ASI men, a random choice from a group of stunning, broad shouldered, well muscled, men who would all have looked mighty fine in cowboy boots and hats. The one who got the song tonight was Maori, by the looks of all that delicious chocolate coloured skin, not to mention the obviously tribal tattoo covering his entire right arm. I could just make out a Tiki, in amongst the swirls and grey-scale colouring, beautifully crafted on his skin. He was a good sport too, he took my attention with a cool nod of his head and a subtle wink towards the end, receiving constant ribbing from his ASI mates. But I knew, by his slightly detached demeanour, that he would not be a contender for Stalker's right to, well, stalk me.
    Towards the end of the song, when I was about to turn my attention to the rest of the room, I noticed him flick a concerned look towards Nick. My eyes followed the direction of his gaze and thankfully, as I had finished the vocals and was just winding up the song alongside Gus on his rhythm guitar, didn't stumble over any lines when I noticed Nick standing with his arms across his chest and a deep scowl on his face, staring at me - not Maori, Tiki tattooed, ASI dude.
    In an effort to look anywhere but into those frost ice-blue eyes, my gaze flicked over those people beside where he stood and landed on Gen. I did lose my place then, Gus and Gonzo immediately covering for my lack of concentration, but improvising a bass heavy, cowboy styled, twang at the end, that pulled everyone's attention to them and away from me. Well, probably everyone but Nick, I wasn't sure, I was too busy watching the guy-who-could-have-been-related-to-Nick, kissing Gen's temple, in amongst her hair, on the side of her head.
    I watched in stunned horror, as she smiled an adorable, but completely inappropriate contented smile, and tipped her head to the side allowing him access to her neck. Which he, mortifyingly, took advantage of and started nibbling on her ear and kissing the sensitive skin right beneath it.
    I swung away from the scene, facing the back of our stage, unable to comprehend what that all meant. My initial reaction was shock and outrage on Nick's behalf. And then I just felt disgust, that Nick would stand there glaring ice daggers at me, while his fiancée made out with his cousin. What kind of man was he? I suddenly didn't want to finish the set. We were about three quarters of the way through, I could easily put the abrupt ending down to my jaw. It would be the first time I didn't give one hundred percent of myself while performing.
    I was sorely tempted. I frowned at the floor and contemplated lowering my standards just this once, all the while the boys continued to draw out the rhythm and bass heavy ending to the song. Spike, in all his professionalism, had joined in, and now it was turning into a jamming session, each taking their moment to shine individually on the stage. Full minute sets per instrument. Allowing me time to get my head back in the right space.
    Not for the first time I thought this band rocked, which is a strange turn of phrase from a cowgirl, but they did. They were awesome, professional, inspirational, and just plain brilliant. All of them knew

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