Sweet Deception (Truth)

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Book: Sweet Deception (Truth) by Grace Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grace Henderson
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the road.

"Hey Gran," I said as I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "Great day at the shop, we were really busy after lunch, lots of bouquets ordered and two weddings booked in!" I told her excitedly.
"Oh yes one of those will be Maisie's granddaughter. She's getting married in a few months to that lovely young man who you went to school with, Joe...somebody. He's a solicitor now you know. You could do with finding someone like him."
"Gran I know you mean well, but really I'm fine on my own . I just haven't found the right man yet."
I knew if I told her about Blake I would get the same reaction as she had given me previously. He didn't have the most stellar reputation but he definitely was not as bad as everyone made out.
"Yes dear, that's why you need to get out there and meet some young men. Anyway I have just the young man coming round tonight."
"What?" I exclaimed. My jaw dropped and my heart started racing. She was trying to set me up. I had to be dreaming.
"My friend Margaret is coming round for dinner and she's bringing her grandson James, the one I told you about. I met him last week, such a lovely man and very handsome. He owns his own business, and I think he will be just your type. Now off with you, you need to go upstairs and shower and put a dress on. You wear those jeans too much! Boys like it when you show off a bit of leg."
"Graann," I whined and stomped my foot forgetting I was twenty-four, not ten. "I can't believe you would do that. I don't want to be set up. I'm quite capable of finding myself a man you know."
"Really? Well why haven't you then?" She turned from the sink to challenge me.
"Because I don't want one, I'm happy on my own!" I shrieked. And there is a certain man who has got my stomach all tied up in knots already.
"Don't be so silly, every woman wants to be loved! I met your grandfather at twenty-one and by the time I was your age I was married with two children. You can't waste time on your own Cassandra."
I pulled a very unflattering face at her using my full name. She only did that when she was annoyed at me. I blew out the breath I had been holding and groaned in frustration. I knew I wasn't getting out of this one. I swung round and a pouty "fine" flew over my lips.

As I showered I wondered how Blake would feel if he knew I was being set up with someone tonight. Would he be jealous? Was I even going to tell him? I didn't feel right hiding it, but nothing was going to happen and we were in the company of our grandmothers so it was always going to be innocent.
Just as I stepped out the shower my phone rang so I rushed over clutching the towel tightly round me. I smiled as I read the screen.
"Hey gorgeous, you must be tired 'cause you've been running through my mind all day." I laughed out loud. "Did you really just use a line like that!?"
His deep sexy laugh rang out through the speaker. "Yeah, I'm serious. I have got no work done today at all because of you."
    "Err don't blame it on me mister, you should be able to control yourself. I thought I was supposed to be calling you?" I could hear him smile as he was talking.
"You took too long. I couldn't wait. What are you up to?"
"Well actually I just got out the shower."
There was a pause and I heard his sharp intake of breath down the line.
"Blake?" I asked. "Are you still there?"
"Yeah I'm here, I'm just having some very rude thoughts and it's making me want to drive all the way over there and show you exactly what I'm thinking…"
I winced hoping that he wouldn't decide to do that even though the thought was sending my body crazy.
"…But I'm working late tonight," he carried on. "I've got a big deal to get sewn up by the morning. I might have to take a cold shower before my evening meeting though!"
"Oh it's a shame I'm not there, I'd scrub your back for you." I said in a playful tone.
He sucked in a breath, "You, Miss Wilson, are a tease. Can I cook for you tomorrow? At mine."
"Well well, I didn't know you

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