Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set

Read Online Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set by Jan Scarbrough, Maddie James, Magdalena Scott, Amie Denman, Jennifer Anderson, Constance Phillips, Jennifer Johnson - Free Book Online

Book: Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set by Jan Scarbrough, Maddie James, Magdalena Scott, Amie Denman, Jennifer Anderson, Constance Phillips, Jennifer Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Scarbrough, Maddie James, Magdalena Scott, Amie Denman, Jennifer Anderson, Constance Phillips, Jennifer Johnson
Tags: Contemporary Romance, Anthology, sweet romance, boxed set, collection
know she’d be on a moped today? She tucked the skirt under her on the seat, but it wasn’t going to stay there for long.
    At least her sandals had straps on the back, so she probably wouldn ’t lose them in the horrible disfiguring accident ending her young life somewhere on the streets of America’s southernmost town.
    “ Here’s the gas,” Jimmy said. “You just turn this knob.”
    Gas. Right.
    “Brakes are here. That’s pretty important,” he said sagely.
    Stopping. Good idea.
    “Turn signals here,” he said, “Gotta use those. Cops aren’t too fond of mopeds on the streets anyway. Don’t wanna give ‘em a reason to pull you over.”
    Getting arrested. Hmm. Jail sounded pretty safe, all things considered. She wondered if Mitchell would bail her out. From what she had seen so far, he ’d probably ask for conjugal visits. It might be worth it.
    Jackie looked over at Mitchell leaning against the orange wall, watching her every move. Smiling. He’s enjoying torturing me. I know it. She tried to conceal her panic at the thought of piloting a Moped, but she doubted she’d pulled it off. The way he was smiling at her, he either wanted to hear her beg for mercy, or pull her off the seat of the Moped and do things to her body that would have her begging for mercy anyway.
    She dragged her attention back to Jimmy who was now pointing out the orange cones and instructing her on the details of the course. She had the uncomfortable feeling she ’d missed something while she was distracted by Mitchell. Jimmy patted her encouragingly on the back.
    “ Piece of cake,” he said. “Let’s see you do it.”
    Jackie glanced over at Mitchell once more. She wasn ’t looking for reassurance from him necessarily, but it wouldn’t hurt. He still wore that Cheshire cat smile. It irritated her enough to inspire her to take one foot off the ground and give the gas a little twist.
    The first ten feet went okay. She gave it a little more gas and considered planting the other foot on the footrest instead of hovering over the ground with it just in case. It might even have gone okay if she hadn ’t forgotten she was supposed to go left around the first cone and then swerve right around the second. She got wrapped up in deciding which way to go and then ran squarely over the first three cones.
    She couldn ’t tell if the laughing was from Mitchell or Jimmy, but it was loud enough to hear over the engine of the moped. Spurred by their laughter, she concentrated hard, gave it more gas, and headed for the next series of cones. She was going too fast. She knew it. Still, it might have been okay, but the hem of her sundress suddenly broke free and the full skirt flapped up in her face.
    Jackie jerked one hand off the handle bars to grab her dress, and that ’s when it happened. She remembered looking up and seeing nothing but orange. She recalled seeing Mitchell dive out of her way, and then she was lying in something soft that tickled her legs. Her head was in someone’s lap and she could hear voices talking to her.
    She struggled to open her eyes, hoping maybe she had fallen asleep watching television and this was all a silly dream.
    “Jackie,” Mitchell said urgently. “Tell me you’re alright.” It was a command, but she could hear the tension in his voice.
    She snapped her eyes closed. Tight. Was she alright? With her eyes closed, she reviewed all her body parts. A slight stinging sensation on her right knee and left elbow, maybe a little bruise popping up on her shin. Something about it hitting a handlebar as she flew over… a dull ache on the side of her head. Had it hit the electric orange wall in midflight?
    The only agonizing pain she felt that was possibly emergency-room material was her pride.
    If she kept her eyes closed, maybe would they give her up for dead and eventually go away. She could crawl away under cover of nightfall and go back to Chicago where no one would ever know.
    “Call 911,” she heard

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