Sweet Agony (Sweet Series Book 1)

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Book: Sweet Agony (Sweet Series Book 1) by Jessie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessie Lane
Tags: Romance, Military, New Adult & College, military romance
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to embarrass me but rather defend me. It was all too much. God, if I didn’t love him so much, I would absolutely murder him right now.
    Sure, he had totally humiliated Rachel way more back there, but now the whole cafeteria knew I had a crush on him. After that little scene, the gossip queens would run their mouths, and by the end of the day, the whole school would know what I’d done my best to hide since I started high school. Now all of the mean girls would say out loud what I feared in my heart—that Lucas would never see me as anything other than his little sister’s best friend.
    Pulling my gaze from the hallway floor, I glanced up to see I was only ten feet from the main office. If I could just get in there and call my mom, then I was home free from this nightmarish day.
    I barely got another three steps before I was grabbed by the arm and dragged, practically kicking and screaming, by Olivia into the girl’s bathroom.
    “Oh, no you don’t! You are not going to call your momma to come pick you up so you can hide in your room for the next week.”
    Dragging my heels, I tried to stop Olivia from pulling me, and we ended up in an awkward tug of war with my arm acting as the honorary rope.
    This was what I did when I got uncomfortable. Momma had always made it so I could call her to come get me. Whenever I felt like people were making fun of me or the anxiety of life seemed to creep up, I found my escape to call her. Without hesitation, my mother was hands down my enabler.
    “I’m. Going. Home!” I gritted out through my clenched teeth as I leaned backward, trying to pull my arm out of her grasp.
    “No. You’re. Not!” she snarled back.
    Olivia gave a mighty jerk on my wrist, and unfortunately, I lost my balance and ended up stumbling through the bathroom door. She spun me away so I could not race back out through the only entrance. Then she stuck her head out the doorway, looked in both directions as if checking if anyone had seen us struggling, and then promptly shut the door and locked both of us in.
    Turning back to me, Olivia stomped her foot. “You can’t run from your problems in life, Ginny! You should have flipped both Rachel and my brother off. How many times have I told you that bitches like that cheerleader from hell will walk all over you if you don’t stand up for yourself? And let me tell you, sister, she’s not just going to walk all over you with her brand of torture. Nope, she’s going to drag your name through mud, throw you under the proverbial bus, and then do the cha-cha in her whorish designer heels as a victory dance to your complete and utter humiliation!”
    “Thought about this a lot, have you?”
    Olivia leaned in until we were almost nose to nose. “I don’t need to think about it, Ginny. When have you ever stuck up for yourself to prove to them you aren’t an easy target? Hmm? Maybe in second grade when Rachel stole your doll from you, and you wouldn’t tell her fourth grade teacher? Or how about in fifth grade when she dumped the blue paint all over your art project so it was ruined? Better yet, how about five minutes ago when she rubbed it in your face in front of half of our school that she’s been in my brother’s pants just because she knows that’s where you want to be?”
    I opened my mouth to defend myself, to say something, anything, but as usual, nothing came out. My shoulders slumped a little bit as the truth pulverized me. I was a wimp, a weenie, that proverbial sidewalk the jerks in this high school walked all over because they knew I wouldn’t defend myself. And I was damn tired of it!
    It was bad enough I got picked on for being quiet, a nerd, or whatever perceived infraction they could find wrong with me. Then all those high-handed snobs decided to pick on me since they figured out my feelings for Lucas.
    Olivia took one look at my trembling lips and watery eyes, and I watched as the anger melted right off her face to be replaced by sympathy. She

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