Swamp Bones

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Book: Swamp Bones by Kathy Reichs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Reichs
her?” Yellen stayed on point.
    Esther plucked a tissue from a flower-shaped holder on her desk and ran it carefully under each eye. Back to character, mascara intact. “We recently signed Kiley to be the face of our brand. We’re launching a huge advertising campaign for the python line, centered around her. An enormously expensive one.”
    “First I heard of Kiley being a model.” Yellen was skeptical.
    “That was the thing!” Esther clapped her hands, grief momentarily forgotten. “We wanted a real wrangler, not a model. When we saw Kiley at last year’s hunt award ceremony, we had to have her. Kiley was so real! Pretty face, and a figure that could wear clothing.” Coy tip of the head. “If you catch my meaning?”
    Yellen waited for Esther to continue.
    “We were just about to sign a male wrangler when we found her. But not one single applicant had a story like Kiley—little woman wrestling snakes bigger than herself, better than men? We didn’t let up until we’d convinced her to be the face of Eugene.” Self-satisfied look. “When the price is right, everyone eventually says yes.”
    “So what’s this ad campaign?” Yellen asked.
    “The theme is extraordinary.” Esther ran her free hand horizontally through the air, as if mimicking a theater marquee. “Ugliness into beauty. Isn’t that brilliant? Turning the greatest threat the Everglades has ever known into something positive and beautiful.”
    “Shoes?” Blurted before I could stop myself.
    Esther drew a juddery little breath, then straightened her shoulders and eyed me with distaste. “Making people feel good about themselves puts positive energy into the universe.”
    “How ’bout you put some positive energy into this interview and tell me the last time you saw Kiley James?” Yellen’s tone was sharp enough to chisel granite.
    Esther considered. Or made a show of doing so. “It would have been two weeks ago. We were going over the shooting schedule. She said she’d be out of pocket for a while.” A red-tipped finger rose in the air. “But, you know, come to think of it, she did seem distracted.”
    “How so?”
    “I’m not sure. I just sensed she wasn’t paying attention.” Hiccupy little laugh. “Kiley was always a moral little spitfire, refusing to wear certain items, but she was particularly … challenging at our last meeting.” Spoken with synthetic warmth.
    “Challenging?” Yellen bounced Esther’s word back to her.
    She paused. Then, “Kiley had a strong sense of justice. She was highly principled. And extremely particular.”
    “Do you think that could have gotten her killed?”
    Esther didn’t hesitate. “I suppose. If she angered the wrong person.”
    “Any wrong person you have in mind?”
    “No. I mean, competition for the modeling contract was fierce. Some applicants were very unhappy when we went with Kiley out of the blue. People want to be connected to we Eugenes.” She preened. “It didn’t sit well that she swooped in at the last minute and got the job. But I can’t imagine anyone becoming violent because they weren’t chosen.”
    “I’ll need a list of names,” Yellen said.
    “Of course. Will there be anything else?” The woman was now eager to see us gone.
    “We’ll let you know.”
    Esther rose. “This is just so distressing. What will we do?”
    “Reopen auditions.” Mean, but I found the woman repugnant.
    Esther maintained a carefully grieved expression as we walked through the door.
    Outside, the mid-morning temperature was already in the high eighties. And the humidity was going for a personal best. Even for Florida.
    Yellen started the car and cranked the AC. “You get any message from—”
    “No.” I cut him off. “With a child homicide, Barconi’s going to take her time.”
    Lips pursed, the sheriff shifted into gear. He knew, was just impatient.
    “Where now?” I asked.
    “Your favorite place on earth.”
    He pointed the cruiser south toward Everglades National

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