SVH04-Power Play

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Book: SVH04-Power Play by Francine Pascal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francine Pascal
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story I know," Jessica snapped.
    "You didn't get them yourself? From somewhere. Maybe at the mall?"
    "I couldn't afford these earrings, and you know it. They probably cost fifty or sixty dollars."
    "Jessica, they probably cost two hundred and
    fifty dollars! Will you wake up? Something's crazy here."
    "Elizabeth, I will not listen to any more. Lila said her aunt gave them to her, and she gave them to me. What am I supposed to do--throw them back in her face? Anyway," Jessica rushed on, "maybe Lila just likes to buy me presents and was too embarrassed to admit it. She doesn't like to flaunt her money," Jessica added, knowing full well that wasn't true. She simply wanted to keep the gifts and was desperately searching for a good reason to do so.
    "Jessica, I want your word--your absolute, solemn word--that you didn't . . . take them from someplace."
    Jessica looked completely stunned. But a moment later, her shock turned to intense indignation as she considered what her twin had suggested.
    "Elizabeth, that's too much! I'm going to tell Mom!"
    "No, no, Jessie. Don't. It's OK--I believe you. I'm only worried, that's all. I didn't mean it."
    Elizabeth quietly berated herself for being so suspicious of everyone. Maybe she was just tired these days, with so many things on her mind. Todd had complained at the Dairi Burger the day before that she always seemed off in
    another world. He had sounded annoyed, which was unusual for him. It seemed that she was upsetting everyone these days.
    The day after her confrontation with Jessica, Elizabeth decided to make it up to Todd by getting him a special gift for his birthday. She had noticed that at basketball practice he tossed his wristwatch onto his sweat shirt lying on the sidelines because the watchband had worn through. She'd get him a really nice new band.
    Hurrying through the mall after school, she headed for a little jeweler's shop where she had seen a selection of rich, dark leather watchbands in the window. They had the warm, masculine quality she associated with Todd. As she was about to enter the store, something caught her eye. An oddly dressed young woman was standing in Lisette's studying the counters. She was wearing a pair of bright green, skin-tight pants and a loose striped blouse that looked as though it could accommodate two people.
    The young woman's back was facing her, but Elizabeth saw her palm a gold bracelet while the saleslady wasn't looking. She slipped the bracelet into her pocket, then turned and strolled away. For the first time Elizabeth had a clear view of her.
    The thief had been brazen, stealing almost openly, as though she didn't care whether or not she were caught. As she strolled away, there was an absolutely calm expression on Lila Fowler's face.

    Elizabeth forgot all about buying Todd's watchband. As if hypnotized, she followed her sister's friend in silence.
    Lila Fowler strolled casually through the mall without looking back and kept her hand in the pocket that held the stolen bracelet. Elizabeth numbly trailed her as far as the entrance arch and then watched her get into her lime green Triumph. Only when Lila's car was completely out of sight did Elizabeth come out of her trancelike state.
    "This is too much for me," she blurted out loud as she retraced her steps back to the jeweler's shop.
    As she got closer, she saw the saleslady at Lisette's frantically checking the jewelry on her counter. Clearly upset, the woman looked around anxiously, and her gaze fell upon Elizabeth, who seemed to be lingering outside.
    "Hey--hey, there--you!"
    It was like a scene from a tragic movie, Elizabeth thought later, where an innocent person unwittingly becomes implicated in a crime. Overwhelmed with fright, Elizabeth hurried around a corner of the mall and then, taking deep breaths, forced herself to walk home at a normal pace.
    But being safely at home could not erase the terrible secret she had just uncovered. Lila Fowler was the shoplifter!

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