Surrender the Stars

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Book: Surrender the Stars by Cynthia Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Wright
approve the hotchpotch of mutton." Firmly, she took him by the hand and drew him into the hallway. When they neared the kitchen, Devon paused to whisper urgently, "I don't know what we'll do if Captain Coleraine doesn't come around almost immediately. Lindsay has made up her mind not to like him, and she herself hasn't agreed to come with us to London. Once she finds out that he'll be going, masquerading as Nathan, I shudder to imagine the ensuing scene!"
    Raveneau rolled his eyes. "Why can't anything ever be simple?"
    * * *
    In the study, Ryan Coleraine was wondering the same thing. He was glad to have a bit of time alone to think, but he soon realized that his reactions to Raveneau's proposition were definitely mixed. He had no desire to return to England, especially in the guise of the Raveneaus' rich, fashionable son. The thought of playing that part, coupled with the prospect of sharing a family home, went strongly against his grain. A yearning for independence and a self-governed destiny had been his motivation for leaving Britain in the first place. These days, Ryan treasured nothing so much as his total freedom.
    On the other hand, he felt that he owed America a great debt. Could he live with himself if he turned his back on a request from President Madison? And could one refuse such a request? Even Raveneau, who was twice as old and twice as powerful as Ryan, had come around.
    Sighing, he sank back in the rose-upholstered wing chair and rubbed his bearded jaw. Since the Chimera had been destroyed the week before, Ryan had worked to suppress emotions he viewed as useless, chiefly, rage and restlessness. He'd been anxious for Captain Raveneau to return from Philadelphia, certain that the older man would be filled with plans to rebuild instantly—and perhaps even to seek revenge against the British. These new developments were totally unexpected, yet Ryan told himself that Raveneau would achieve the same ends though by different means. The ships would be rebuilt while he was in England, and in the meantime a subtler, more civilized form of revenge could be pursued. Sipping his brandy, Coleraine thought, Perhaps he's right. This assignment may prove more satisfying and challenging than staying around here to wait. At least we'd be busy...
    "I'd hoped that you would have the good sense to politely refuse my father's dinner invitation and leave our home," a cool voice said from the doorway.
    Ryan blinked and almost smiled as he stood to acknowledge her presence. "Ah, Miss Raveneau! I see that skirts have not improved your manners."
    "All that my manners require is your absence, sir!" She stared at him defiantly, blushing under the apparent amusement in his eyes, then took a chair across the study. "Was my father called away by an emergency? I hardly think he would have left you alone with our valuables otherwise!"
    Ryan feigned shock. "Have I been insulted?" He'd forgotten how stimulating Lindsay's company was. She might be infuriating and rude, but now that she couldn't cause trouble with the British troops, he was able to appreciate the fact that, unlike most women, Lindsay Raveneau never bored him. And she was physically stunning. Ryan's appreciative gaze swept over her simple white muslin gown, noting the graceful lines of the form it concealed, then lingered on her face. It featured pale, creamy skin accented by flushed cheeks; exquisite bone structure; a lush mouth, narrow nose; and, finally, those beautiful, intelligent smoke-colored eyes with their thick lashes and delicately arched brows. The crowning touch was Lindsay's mass of strawberry-blond hair, caught up in the simplest of loose Grecian knots that released soft, wispy curls to frame her face. She wore no jewelry, no powder, paint, lace, or satin, and Ryan thought that her beauty was heightened by their absence.
    "I am baffled by your question, sir," Lindsay replied frostily. "Did you expect flattery?"
    The devil himself seemed to prompt Ryan's answer. "I

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