Surrender: Guilty Pleasures #1 (BBW Erotic Romance)

Read Online Surrender: Guilty Pleasures #1 (BBW Erotic Romance) by Adriana Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Surrender: Guilty Pleasures #1 (BBW Erotic Romance) by Adriana Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Hunter
a glimpse somewhere deep inside
Jake, an instant of naked, vulnerable emotion; a scary emotion.  It was
something almost like love. You’re projecting, girl. Back it up here.
    But then he was walking toward
me, a pair of silver handcuffs in his hands, long silver chains brushing
against his long legs, his eyes hooded, the look gone.
    He stopped in front of me. I
could smell his scent; clean skin and beneath that, something rich and
    “Come with me.” He walked to the
bed, snapping the cuffs to the posts at the foot of the bed, the chains coiled
like silver snakes.
    “On your back, please.”
    I climbed up on the bed. The
mattress was on the hard side, but not uncomfortable, the sheet stretched taut,
soft and silky on my skin. Must be high thread count. I mentally shook
my head at the errant thought.
    Jake held up one cuff, the metal
catching the light. “One cuff is attached to each corner of the bed. The other
end will be attached to your ankles. Your wrists will be held together above
your head by a single set of cuffs.” He pulled one cuff toward my foot, the
silver chain spiraling out across the sheet, whispers of sound as the links
clicked together.
    “You will have enough chain to
bend your knees a little, but that’s all.”
    The cold metal snapped around my left
ankle. I flinched. Jake raised his eyes to mine, an unspoken question there. I
nodded my head.
    “I’m fine.” My heart was
fluttering in an unexpected, but not totally unwelcomed, way. I licked my lips.
“Go ahead.”
    Jake attached the other cuff to
my right ankle, had me lay flat on my back and gently raise my arms over my
head, fastening the cold metal around each wrist. Somewhere behind me I heard
the sound of chain sliding against metal and then my arms were pulled above my
    I gave an experimental tug
against the restraints at my head; I was held fast. My ankle restraints gave me
enough freedom to pull my knees up slightly. There was a moment of breathless
panic, complete and total; I was alone, naked and chained to a bed in a
stranger’s house.
    Jake came back into my field of
vision, and the panic faded. He stood by the side of the bed, looking down in a
rather detached way, I thought. I turned my head; my eyes sliding down his
smooth naked chest, past his taut navel, lower still. I saw that not all of him
was viewing this in such a dispassionate manner.
    There was an unmistakable, and
quite arousing, bulge at the apex of his thighs, his growing erection pushing
easily against the thin material of his sweats, lifting the fabric out in front
of his body. I wondered how I was going to handle whatever he was going to do
to me while watching his physical reactions. Just seeing his cloth-covered
erection had started a tingle in my body; tingle wasn’t the right word. It was
an all-out throbbing between my legs.
    Jake looked down at me, a hint of
smile playing about the corners of his mouth, almost cruel looking. As if
reading my mind, he pulled a piece of black silk out of his pocket.
    “Lift your head.”
    I raised my head from the
mattress and with infinite care Jake blindfolded me. I felt his fingers brush
my temples as my world went dark. I sensed his body over mine, his heat and
scent very close for a moment. There was a brief tug and the blindfold was
snugged over my eyes.
    “Is that too tight?” His voice
was low, not as close as I wanted it to be.
    There was a dry clicking in my
throat when I tried to talk, so I shook my head.
    “Again, safe word?”
    “Pineapple.” I managed to croak
out the word.
    “Good. I’m ready to start.
    Time seemed to spin out forever
as I lay there, briefly interested in the lights behind my eyes. But my ears
quickly became attuned to every sound in the room. It was very quiet, almost
too quiet. The panic tried to push its way back; logic said I had not heard the
door open or close, so Jake was still in the room. Was he watching me? Was he
getting ready to do something?
    My breath was

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