Sue and Tom
my tank, I headed home. I needed to talk with Gina, and I didn’t want to be driving while I did that. I was too afraid I’d lose it and wreck the car. I had enough problems without doing something stupid like that, so I went home, a pile of wet tissues accumulating on the seat next to me.
    “How’d you get my key anyway?” I shouted to Rachel as she got dressed.
    “You never took it back. When I saw you with Little Miss Debbie Cakes I figured I needed to remind you of what you had given up. And for her? Christ, she looks like a damn doll. I figured that sooner or later you’d realize what you lost.”
    Rachel got the key out of her purse and threw it on the bed. “I hope you have a miserable life.”
    I watched her speed away and made a mental note to have the locks changed, just in case the bitch had made a copy of the key.
    I tried to call Sue on her cellphone, but she wasn’t picking up. I tried her landline, but she wasn’t answering that , either.
    Klondike whimpered. “I know , boy. This is one fucked-up mess.”
    I figured the first person Sue would call would be Gina, but I didn’t have Gina’s cell number. So, I called Mike.
    “Christ, you’re never going to believe what Rachel just did,” I told Mike.
    I gave him the cliff notes and asked if he had heard from Gina.
    “We just talked and she didn’t say anything,” Mike said. “So I’m sure Sue didn’t call her—yet.”
    “Can you give me Gina’s number? I want to call her and explain. Just in case she hears from Sue. I want to make sure Gina knows what went down.”
    I wrote down Gina’s number and called her right away. She was working at home.
    I spewed out the entire ugly story. There was silence on the other end.
    “Gina! Say something!”
    “I’m speechless that Rachel would do such a thing. And angry as hell. I can’t imagine what went through Sue’s mind. It was probably Steve all over again. You know what happened there, right?”
    “Yes. She came home and found him in bed with their neighbor.”
    “And after that, Sue pretty much swore off men,” Gina said. “But you changed that. When you guys reconnected at the reunion, it was like her whole outlook on men changed. I could see it. She had hope. I think she loves you, Tom. I really do. And just when she allowed herself to feel that way again, Rachel screws it all up.”
    “Believe me, I know. It makes me sick.”
    “Look, I’m going to try to call her,” Gina said. “Maybe when she sees it’s me, she’ll pick up.”
    “Will you call me if she does?”
    “Yes. If I’m able to reach her and talk to her, I’ll let you know. But that doesn’t mean I’ll be able to get her to talk to you. That has to be her decision.”
    “I know. But it’s worth a shot. And Gina, I hadn’t told Sue this. Fact is I was planning to tonight. I’d been feeling like this for awhile. But when I told Sue, I wanted to be looking right into her eyes. I love her, Gina. And I was hoping that she loved me, too.”
    When I got home, there were messages on the machine. I really didn’t want to hear Tom’s voice, but I didn’t want to miss a call from Chloe.
    I walked over to the counter and pushed the button on the machine.
    “Sue. It’s Tom. Don’t hang up. Please. I’m sorry. I had no idea Rachel would pull a stunt like that. Call me as soon as you get this message. Please.”
    I listened to the message over and over. Tom seemed sincere. Still, I didn’t want to deal with him right now. I had to think. And call Gina. I turned on my cellphone and saw missed calls from Tom and Gina. I dialed Gina right away.
    “I’ve been trying to reach you,” Gina said. “Tom called and told me what happened. He’s worried about you.”
    I couldn’t hold back the tears. They came like a driving rain, blinding me in a liquid fog. “Did he tell you what happened? That Rachel was there? It was awful, Gina. God! She thought I was Tom and she strutted

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