Subway Girl

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Book: Subway Girl by Adela Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adela Knight
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even get a straight guy. What makes you think I’d get a gay one?”
    “Give it time, sweetie. Give it time.” Jeff patted my hand. “Now, Jenny, what dresses are we looking at?”
    “We’ve lost them.” Frank shook his head and sighed.
    “Okay.” I looked at the saleslady. “I’ll take this one, please. And can I look at some shoes that will coordinate?”

    A knock sounded at my door and I opened it to find Frank and Jeff holding hands and looking adorable in their matching tuxedos. “Hey guys.”
    “Are we ready to party?” Frank looked at me and blinked a few times. “Wow! If I wasn’t gay I’d totally be all over you like flies on crap.”
    “You are such a romantic, Frank.” I rolled my eyes and smiled at Jeff. “Come in while I grab my purse and wrap. Jenny’s not here yet anyway.”
    “You do look awesome. Jenny said you found a great dress, but she didn’t say how great. That emerald green is a great shade with your hair. And the delicate beadwork on the fabric,” Jeff looked closer at the pattern on the fabric, “yeah, that’s something. Very classy. Most women will be decked out in head-to-toe sequin, but no. Your gown. Your gown is gorgeous in its simplicity.”
    “I like the whole one shoulder thing. It looks like a toga.”
    I rolled my eyes and giggled.
    “For God’s sake, Frank, can’t you say something appropriate?” Jeff shook his head.
    “What? Togas are cool. I like them. It was a compliment!”
    “Dammit, I hate you so much right now!” I jumped at Jenny’s voice. We hadn’t heard her walk through the front door.
    “Who?” the three of us asked in unison.
    “What’d I do?”
    “You don’t have a damn ounce of fat on your body and that dress makes sure everyone can tell it, too. And you say you’re not dating for a while, but you go around dressed like that. Sure. Okay. Whatever. You could at least be fat so the rest of us had a chance.”
    “Um—” Jeff looked at me with wide eyes.
    I shook my head at Jeff and Frank. “Don’t worry.” I put an arm around Jenny. “Hey, do you need some Midol?”
    “Okay. Gotcha covered.”
    “Thank you. And I didn’t really mean the fat comment. Well, not completely.” She smiled at me.
    I grinned at her. “Yeah, well, you can’t bitch about the dress. If I remember correctly, it was you who demanded I buy it. No! Actually, you said it would be a crime if I didn’t wear it tonight so you were going to buy it for me. That reminds me. I’ll give you the receipt. You owe me some money.”
    “Yeah, keep dreaming, Julia. I’ve got my period. Satan has a better chance of eating a Sno-Cone in Hell than you do of getting money out of me this week.”
    “Ugh, with that thought, I’m going to flag down the taxi.” Frank made a quick exit. I grabbed my things and we all followed close behind him…after I made sure to stuff some Midol down Jenny.
    The hotel’s ballroom where the event was held was beautiful. The ceiling was arched and had intricate scroll work covering it. Sheer, gauzy fabric was draped around the room with white twinkle lights behind them creating a soft glow.
    The dinner was served to us by waiters—no standing in line fighting over the last of the potato salad like at my corporate party. No, we were served our choice of a seafood dinner or a steak—filet mignon, yum—dinner. It was an incredible party. And best of all, we didn’t have to sit and listen to someone yammer on about how great the company was and how much better it’d be in the coming year, which was usually the standard speech given at those things. No, we just partied.
    After dinner, a DJ started playing and the dance floor was opened. All different genres of music were played. Frank and I danced to it all and considering I was wearing a floor length gown it made dancing to some of the faster songs interesting, but fun and I spent most of my time laughing rather than dancing—Frank wasn’t a good dancer no

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