Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

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Book: Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivan Kal
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off world for a pool.
    As soon as Vit’r’an entered the pool he felt the soft bites of Rasari, the fish that Ra’a’zani used for cleaning, eating the filth of his body. Looking down in the water he saw that these were yellow in color and not the muddy brown of the altered fish that they transferred from their home world to the other worlds.
    “How does it feel?” Tig’r’an asked.
    “It feels… Right.” Vit’r’an answered.
    Tig’r’an showed his teeth in a Ra’a’zani smile. “Yes.” He said then closed his eyes.
    For some time they remained silent, enjoying the feel of the water and the soft bites of the fish. And then Tig’r’an moved and drew closer to Vit’r’an.
    “There has been a development.” He started, “Clan Ravinan has encountered another high intelligence race.” Tig’r’an said.
    Vit’r’an moved and looked at Tig’r’an. “Another slave race?” Already he was thinking what the repercussions of such a discovery would be. The clan Ravinan was a minor clan before, but now with the influx of slaves and most likely materials that would change, the discovery alone might make them one of the core. “That will have a great effect on the core. Another slave race wi-”
    “No.” Tig’r’an interrupted. “Not another slave race.” He said.
    “What do you mean?” Confused, Vit’r’an asked.
    “The ships Ravinan sent to conquer the new world were destroyed.” Tig’r’an said, and continued before Vit’r’an could interject, “This new race are not like the others we found before. They had ships, that could travel the great void between the stars. And everything we learned until now suggest that they were not contained on a single world. They have more, the same as us.”
    “But, that is impossible.” Vit’r’an said.
    Tig’r’an smiled. “Not impossible, the clan leaders knew that it was bound to happen sooner or later. That is why we still build warships such as the Law of Ooruvan. We were fortunate not to have met any race that was our match until now. But this race… They didn’t just destroyed the Ravinan ships, they went on an offensive, they conquered two of Ravinan outer worlds and destroyed the Ravinan main fleet. The clans agree that they are a threat to all Ra’a’zani.”
    Stunned, Vit’r’an barely managed to ask another question. “Why are you here then?”
    “There has been talks between the clans, for the first time in a thousand of rotations the unification of the Ra’a’zani clans has been proposed.” Tig’r’an said.
    “They can’t be that much of a threat! Clan Ooruvan alone holds a thousand warships! Three times as much as the Ravinan, and they have no ship bigger than a battleship!” Vit’r’an said angrily standing up in the pool.
    Tig’r’an watched him calmly. “Sit down Vit’r’an.”
    The tone of the command snapped Vit’r’an out of his anger and he lowered himself down into the water. “Apologies Elder.” He said with a bowed head.
    Tig’r’an watched him for a moment before acknowledging Vit’r’an’s apology.
    “I have seen the records of the battle Vit’r’an. Those ships of theirs ripped Ravinan fleet apart. Ravinan ships did inflict damage upon them, even destroyed a few. But the battle favored their side greatly. And we don’t know how big their territory is or how many battle ready ships they have. The Rakar has decided, and the Elders agree with him, we need to focus on our holdings in the core, strengthening our positions and building more ships.” Tig’r’an paused for a second before continuing, “A joint fleet has been proposed amongst the clans. And we will need every available ship back home. It has been decided that we will abandon this system.”
    “Sire please, I understand that the situation is dire, but a few ships can’t possibly make a difference. And this system gives us access to a lot of materials -”
    “No Vit’r’an. It isn’t enough. You have done well, and I

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