Stuck on Me

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Book: Stuck on Me by Hilary Freeman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Freeman
    ‘Yes, and she told me not to be so stupid and to forget about it. She said I’m way too young and that if I still want to do it when I’m older, then I can think about it
    Dr Buttery frowns. My mum and Rosie’s mum aren’t exactly friends. They’re total opposites. Rosie’s mum is the most sensible woman on the planet and she doesn’t have
any time for my mum’s chanting and alternative medicine and herbal remedies. They had an argument once, when Mum said she didn’t want me to get a vaccine at school because she was
worried about the side effects. Rosie’s mum said she was being irresponsible. I have a suspicion that Rosie’s mum thinks my mum isn’t a very good mother.
    ‘That attitude won’t help anyone,’ she says, ‘because you’ll just go ahead and do it anyway, won’t you?’
    ‘Exactly,’ I say. ‘I knew a doctor would understand.’
    ‘OK, well, I’m happy to discuss it with you, as you’re being so sensible. But you are only fourteen. Too young, really.’
    ‘I know, but it’s been bothering me for ages. I have to do something about it. Promise you won’t tell her?’
    ‘No, legally I don’t have to. But I’d rather you did.’
    ‘OK, I promise,’ I say, crossing my fingers to guard against the nose-expanding effects of my lie.
    ‘Right, so let’s discuss your options. I’d hate for you to get into trouble. I know you have a serious, long-term boyfriend.’
    What’s Rich got to do with this? ‘Yes, I do . . . But we’re sort of on the rocks . . . We’ve been arguing a lot. I think it’s partly because of my, er,
    ‘Sky, you should never, ever do anything just to keep a boy. It has to be your decision.’
    ‘Oh, it is. It’s totally my choice.’
    ‘It’s your body. You decide what to do with it and when.’
    ‘Yes, absolutely. But I don’t think he likes it. He wants me to get rid of it.’
    She raises her eyebrows, as if she disapproves, and sighs. ‘All right, then. I’ll help you because that’s the responsible thing to do. But remember, it’s still important
to be safe, to use some sort of protection. I’ll give you a leaflet before you leave. There are all kinds of diseases out there, you know.’
    ‘Oh, you mean like a face mask? To stop germs getting in?’
    She peers at me, quizzically. ‘Yes, a bit like that. I’m surprised and rather concerned that they haven’t taught you about this at your school. The leaflet will tell you all
you need to know.’
    ‘OK, so there are several different options. Have you had any thoughts about what you want? What would suit you best? Injection, implant, pill . . . ?’
    ‘Eh, sorry, but what did you say?’ I stare at her open-mouthed. An injection? A pill? What is she on about? I know science has progressed lately, but even I know that, sadly, they
haven’t yet developed a pill to make your nose shrink, Alice in Wonderland style.
    ‘I was just explaining your options,’ she says. ‘The pill doesn’t suit everyone.’
    Oh my God! I cringe so hard I’m surprised she can’t see it. Now I understand – and I really wish I didn’t. She’s talking about the pill. She thinks I
want to go on the pill. I can feel my face flushing. ‘No, sure, but . . .’ I begin, unsure how to carry on. This is so embarrassing. I didn’t think it was possible to be
more embarrassed about anything than I am about my nose. I guess I was wrong. ‘I . . . I . . .’
    But she isn’t listening. She’s gone into autopilot (or rather, doctor) mode. ‘Right, well, whatever we choose, the first thing I need to do is take your blood
    ‘Um, oh, OK. It’s just that . . .’ Try as I might, I can’t find the words.
    She swivels around in her chair and takes something out of a drawer. ‘Roll up your sleeve and make a fist.’
    I sigh and decide to let her do it, anyway. I’ve never had my blood pressure done before and I’m quite curious about it. And, frankly,

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