
Read Online StrangersonaTrain by Erin Aislinn - Free Book Online

Book: StrangersonaTrain by Erin Aislinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Aislinn
intense. When the rhythm of his thrusts reached the
pinnacle and his face began to contort, she knew they were almost there and
grasped his arms. Her eyes began to drift shut.
    “No! Stay with me, darling. Keep your eyes open,” he shouted
with a shredded voice.
    Her pussy was so full. With every piercing plunge, he
stabbed the electrified bundle of nerves that sent ever greater waves of
aliveness through her flesh. Charlotte had to fight to keep her eyes focused on
his because she couldn’t stand the escalating thrill.
    “I’m coming!”
    “Wait!” he yelled and slammed into her so hard that she
cried out. He remained buried inside her for a moment then pulled almost all
the way out before slamming into her again.
    Her grip on his arms tightened and her knuckles hurt.
    “Now!” he issued and began to pump against her in their
familiar hard pace. “Together… Now!!!”
    Her eyes frozen on his, they flew over the precipice. One
body, one endless brilliance, together. The sensation seemed so simple that she
could have mistaken its power. For once, she let go in every way, allowing
pleasure to carry her so far that she began to question if any of this was
actually happening. She would stay with it for as long as it lasted. She would
embrace it and hold it and treasure it. This was what she’d dreamed of and he’d
given it to her. Hours might have passed before his head slumped and her hands
finally released their death-like grip on his forearms.
    His cock still inside her pussy, he fell on top of her, his
head on her chest. Their hard breathing began to slow while she ran her hands
through his hair. It was drenched with sweat as were their entire bodies. This
time, when the sweetness of slumber began to drop its veil, Charlotte wanted to
hold it back.
    “Don’t let me go to sleep,” she prayed.
    His head lifted long enough for him to place a kiss on her
lips. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll hold you while you sleep.”
    Digging her fingers into his waist, she shook her head even
as she kept herself from speaking the truth aloud. It wasn’t enough time. By
this time tomorrow, they would already be on their separate ways and this
interlude would become a warm memory she could pull out from time to time, like
a blanket on rainy weekend afternoons.
    “Hey,” he called, bringing her back to reality. “It will be
all right,” he promised.
    “Will you make love to me again?”
    Damn it, did she have to sound like a lovestruck teenager?
    His all-knowing smile burrowed into her heart. Even though
she refused to admit it, it was already too late to pretend she could walk away
from him as if he were some guy she’d only meant yesterday. If only she could
laugh at the irony.
    “Of course I will make love to you again,” he said and
touched his lips to hers before he laid his head back on her chest and relaxed.
    She had to savor the satisfaction that brought peace to her
heart as much as pleasure to her body. She embraced him and every ounce of the
glorious male strength that covered her. Having him on top, possessing as much
as protecting her, secured the proof that she’d satisfied him as he’d fulfilled

Chapter Six
    When she opened her eyes, she was alone. The sheet reached
up to her neck and she couldn’t move a limb. Nor did she want to. The pleasure
still pulsed under every inch of her skin. Her pussy, although empty and
already yearning to be filled again, held a distinct sensation of satisfaction.
Her stranger had pleased her immensely, just as he had promised, just as she
had promised she would allow herself to be pleasured.
    Closing her eyes again, she drifted in the sweet aftermath
as memories of the encounter replayed in her mind. She must have fallen asleep
again because the next time she came to, it was to the sound of knocking.
    “We’re pulling into Chicago, ma’am,” the porter’s voice
reached through the door.
    Charlotte jerked up on her elbow, her heart racing, her

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