Stranger in Paradise

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Book: Stranger in Paradise by Amanda McIntyre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda McIntyre
door. A stiff wind caused the curtain to billow in the shadows. Sitting with her back to the wall, she saw the screen door had been left open--surely that was Zack’s doing. The sound of her rapid breathing matched the thrum of her heart, making her feel more alone. A thump came from the direction of the front door and another from just outside the patio door. She wanted to yell out to Zack, but her throat, constricted with fear, prevented it. Searching her mind for some kind of weapon, she remembered the long piece of twisted driftwood on the end table beside her. Pushing to her feet, she grabbed it and swung with all her might as a tall, dark figure entered through the patio door.
    “Ooofff. Dammit,” quickly followed by a gunshot, exploded in the dark. A moment later, the ornate glass and pewter chandelier usually over the dining room table, crashed to the floor.
    Shielding herself from the gunfire, Kacey recoiled and made ready to take another swing at the intruder. “I’ve got him, Zack. Careful, he’s got a gun!”
    “What the hell—Kacey, it’s me, Zack!”
    The petrified weapon was ripped from her grasp just before a light illuminated the devastation made to the fixture now on the floor. “I thought that was you coming up the front porch.” Her gaze flew to the midsection of his gray T-shirt, sliced open by the sharp points of the driftwood. “You’re hurt.” She reached for him and he batted her hand away.
    “You heard a noise out front?”
    “Well, yes, but after that gunshot I’m sure they’re long gone.” She fought to keep up with him as he strode toward the front door, unlatched the locks and yanked open the door with no caution.
    “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
    Kacey hurried to his side and peered around the door. Teetering on the porch rail sat a chubby raccoon, holding a partially eaten hot dog perched between his front paws.
    “I should shoot you just because,” Zack muttered raising the nozzle of his gun with his eye on the animal.
    “You wouldn’t!” Kacey blurted in horror. She heard the safety feature click on the firearm.
    “You owe me a new shirt.” Her hunky guest/would-be-protector slammed the door and locked it as he raised a brow to her. Like he didn’t have a zillion gray T-shirts. Still, the look in his eye reminded her of just where they’d been before their furry friend showed up. And it reminded her of exactly why he was there, and why they couldn’t engage in any hanky-panky.
    Even though her body wanted very much to hanky his panky . She sighed, shaking away those thoughts. “We better take a look at that wound.” She flipped on every light switch within reach as she made her way to the kitchen cabinet where she kept her medical supplies. “Surely I remembered to pack Bacitracin or some kind of salve we could use.” She pulled a container stuffed with a proverbial drugstore of items. “Maybe you should--” She glanced over her shoulder and her brain went dead, catching Zack in the process of peeling his shirt over his head. She stared blatantly at his washboard abs, reminding herself not to drool. She turned away, admonishing her weak hormones, and reminding herself that sex—the “just for the fun of it” kind—was highly overrated, unfulfilling, and, in the long run, just not wise.
    Especially when he’s supposed to be protecting you.
    You’re such a stick-in-the-mud, her mused chided.
    “Don’t think about sticks,” she argued quietly with her muse.

Chapter Five
    Zack checked the safety on his gun and placed it atop the refrigerator, out of harm’s way. He winced as the gesture caused the fresh slice across his flesh to stretch. It wasn’t bad. He’d suffered worse. But he secretly liked the idea that Kacey saw herself the nurse to care for him. He had to give her credit--the woman was not afraid of defending herself if necessary.
    “I’ve got Steri-strips , will that help?” Her back to him, he watched her spread out a variety

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