Strange Outfit: An Avery Barks Dog Mystery (Avery Barks Dog Mysteries Book 2)

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Book: Strange Outfit: An Avery Barks Dog Mystery (Avery Barks Dog Mysteries Book 2) by Mary Hiker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Hiker
habits, he was set in his bed for the night, and probably would be farting dog treats for several more hours.
    The next time Bullfrog would have any incentive to get up would be his morning potty break.  I didn’t want to break out the sides of the underpinning because I didn’t know if there were still intruders outside. 
    I sighed, looking around in the dark.  That only left one available option. Princess and I hunkered down and spent the night trying to sleep on the cold dirt with one eye open.

Chapter 13
    The sound of two dogs barking woke me with a start.  I realized that Chevy and Bullfrog were at the front door, above us, ready for their morning potty break. My body was chilled and clothes were filthy from sleeping on the dirt all night.  At least Princess provided some warmth as we curled up together in the pit.
    With Bullfrog out of his bed, I was able to lift the trap door up with ease.  As I climbed through the secret door, I was smacked in the face by the horrendous smell of Bullfrog’s solo farting party last night.  Since Princess and I both were covered in a dirty stench all our own, it was a real stink-fest. 
    After checking to see if the area was clear, the dogs went out in the yard and did their business quickly while I stood watch and figured out my next move.  I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and hurried them back in the house.
    “Sorry guys, come on, everybody back in quick.”  I gave all three dogs a cookie to make up for the lack of morning play time outside.
    As they enjoyed their treats, I pulled out the paper bag from the refrigerator and took out the mysterious package.  I carefully cut the duct tape with my knife.  Inside, there were photos of Rocky going in and out of a pawn shop with a very skinny man.  There were a couple of photos of the private eye holding Princess’ dog collar inside the shop.  There were surveillance notes, a newspaper clipping and more photos showing Rocky’s whereabouts over the last two weeks.
    I looked closely at the newspaper article from two years before. It showed a picture of the new Mayor, celebrating his election with extended family members.  I recognized the man as the announcer at the dog parade.  One very familiar face in the family picture was circled. It was Rocky. 
    Wearily, I looked out the windows again to make sure it was all clear.  This time, I noticed a brief flash in the woods.  Something had reflected the light from the morning sun.  It was there and gone, but I definitely saw it.  Something or someone was watching us from the trees.
    I did not know how much time I had.  I decided that I couldn’t call the local police, since I didn’t know who the Mayor had in his pocket.  I called Deputy Don and it went straight to voicemail.  I left him a message that would be sure to get his attention.
    “Get the authorities out here.  Be careful who you call, the Mayor is involved.”
    I jumped back down through the floorboards into the hole we dug the night before and frantically continued our mission. After removing eight more shovelfuls of dirt, I hit something.  I tapped it with the end of the small shovel and it clanked.  It was metal.  My adrenaline rose so high I didn’t even feel my hands bleeding. 
    The metal box was a lot heavier than expected, as I pulled it out of the hole.  It was a struggle, but I lifted it out of the cramped space, up through the hole and onto the floor of the mobile home, where it landed with a thud.
    I cracked the back door open and saw two guys standing next to an old beat up truck at the far end of the driveway.  My stomach knotted and my body tingled with stress as I fought the feelings of fear.  I had to get myself and the dogs to safety, preferably with this heavy box in tow.
    I grabbed the empty paper grocery bag from the table and quickly dumped enough dog food in it to fill it about half way. Then I rolled the top of the bag over and

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