Strange Land (The Young Ancients Book 15)

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Book: Strange Land (The Young Ancients Book 15) by P. S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. S. Power
own tub as he tried to force a frightened smile onto his lips.
    Sinking into the warm water of her vast wooden tub, she nodded.
    "Just to set your mind at ease, this really is pretty normal here. Actually, we should be sharing the tub, so if that comes up, just go with it. Also, since I know your ways are different, this doesn't mean that you're obligated to marry me or anything like that. It's just a bath. You don't even have to have sex with me. It would be good if you could seem a bit less scared, if you can manage? I promise, I'll leave your virtue intact."
    If he was that old and a virgin though, she'd have to see about doing something for him. Even if she didn't really like him all the time. If not herself, then on Harmony. They had a free whore house after all. You could just walk in and get some, day or night. It wasn't the only reason why, but they didn't have a problem with rape there. So far as she'd heard no one had been sexually abused even once. When someone finally did manage it she was kind of betting that her own brother would be the one to manage the trick. Somehow.
    Kurt was a problem that way.
    Honestly, if he hadn't pretty much always been like that she would have wondered if she should have him killed for it. As it was she kind of suspected that he'd drugged her a few times and done things to her, in her sleep.
    The thing with that was she couldn't prove it was him. Not without using a Truth amulet, and while she could get a hold of one, did she really want to know?
    It had happened three or four times, and only when she and Kurt, her little brother, were both home at the same time. She'd go to sleep, dressed and prepared for a night alone, and wake up in the morning, late. Sore too. Her behind particularly. The same with her jaw, reminding her of how it felt after a session with a particularly large man.
    True, it could have been any of the men in the house. Though really, if any of the rest of them wanted to do something with her, she probably would have, so drugging her into it was unneeded. It was a bit unconventional for a servant to request sex like that, but wouldn't get them in trouble for trying. Raping her however would . If they were caught.
    The same was true of her brother though. Not the part where she'd have sex with him, but the one where he'd be put to death for having done it, if she knew for certain. Probably by her, if Tor or one of her other friends didn't handle it first. Flynn might just do it, for instance.
    Thinking about her artist friend she smiled, looking across the water, letting it cover her breasts so that the man trying to make himself look at her wouldn't be offended.
    He was the one she needed to be worried about for the moment though. He was acting like a virgin, after all.
    "Um..." His words came slowly, and he seemed very red, and not just from the warm water he soaked in. Blushing. His light skin made him turn a lovely color that way. "I'm not that virtuous, but, I wouldn't want to take advantage."
    "Oh? That's fine. You wouldn't be though. We're friends, so, if you want to do something we can. Here at any rate. Tellerand had different rules. Here, I'll wash your back for you?" That required changing tubs, and just as she did it, intending to use her hands on him if he could manage it without passing out, her mother walked into the room.
    Also naked.
    Seeing that they were in one tub, she moved to the steps and then lowered herself without introduction. Her tan skin being taken in by Roget, who started to look away, but caught himself, locking with her eyes, to avoid seeing her dark nipples.
    It was an improvement, so Sara slid over and patted the other lady's right shoulder.
    "Heather! I was hoping you'd be here. We both, Roget and I, needed to make ourselves presentable before finding anyone. I still need to work on my hair. It's been a bit of an ordeal, the last months."
    Her mother, who looked younger than her years by about eight, looked directly at the small

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