beside him. This time she didn't hesitate and they lay in each other's arms, kissing and peering into the other's eyes for most of the night.

The next night Marshall again spread out the afghan, and again they held each other, exchanging sweet kisses. Ocean's body pressed against his feeling completely comfortable being so close to him. But Marshall had a love hate issue with that. He loved the feel of her body but not his inability to hide his arousal. The jeans helped, but not when she was pressing herself against him. The arousal was pleasure laced with fear. He loved her touch but the longer he stayed erect, the harder it was for him to pull back around to himself when the kissing ended and it was time to say goodnight.

"Oceans," he pulled back slightly and stared into her curious eyes. "—I need to stop kissing for a while."

"Oh," was her response after a short hesitation. Her face felt warm as she suddenly realized just how difficult it was for a man in a situation like this. But he never pushed her or tried to coerce her, he just backed off and bid her goodnight. It was that trust in him that allowed Oceans to feel comfortable enough to do what she'd been fantasizing all day.

She felt suddenly shy. Discussions of sex had never been encouraged in her family, so instead of talking she leaned in and pressed her lips to his surprised ones. Tentatively, he allowed his hand to move to her breast and when he was cupping it, lights seemed to flash behind his eyes! It almost felt as if he was in the midst of a seizure. Quickly he slid his hand back to the relative safety of her hip.

Oceans groaned. "It's ok." She whispered. He felt her light touch on his dick, where it strained painfully against his jeans.

"Oceans-" he wanted to stop her hand but couldn't. Her touch felt so wonderful.

"Let me help you." Then she was unzipping him and reaching into his pants. Marshall gripped her breast frantically, tugging and fingering her hard nipple with rough fingers. Oceans gasped. Her own fingers tugged against the button on his fly. And then her hand was digging into his pants and gripping his hard shaft.

The pleasure of her touch was so immediate that Marshall threw back his head and bit his lip hard enough to draw blood just to hold back his moans. He didn't think he'd ever been so aroused in his life. Her touch was causing his body to arch and shiver beyond his control in ways that he'd never experienced before.

"Oceans!" He yelled as her hand traveled up and down his shaft. It was too late to stop, he'd been masturbating like he was in Junior High School for the last few days, and yet his semen still shot from his body like gunfire! He gripped the rocky sand in his fist, feeling as if the broken shells would slice through his palms, but he couldn't stop until the last hard spurt of semen left his body. He lay there panting for a moment before he came up on his elbow, still out of breath.

"Lay here." He said gently. She gave him a curious look but lay on her back as instructed. Marshall took a deep breath to bring himself back around and then he kissed her. "Thank you..." His tongue slipped into her mouth. "...for trusting me." His hand slid under the dress, gliding up her satiny leg. Now it was her time to squirm at his touch. "Let me help you now..." His hand cupped her naked mound. The hairs there were damp and he slipped his fingers between her slick lips, stroking her swollen flesh. Oceans groaned against his lips but Marshall wouldn't let her turn away. He wanted to swallow her moans.

Her fingers had played in the same place that his now stroked, but never had a man's touch elicited such pleasure from her. She gripped his long hair and held his head down to her face fiercely, so that he couldn't pull away even if that had been an option. Then he plunged one of his fingers into her opening. It was so tight he couldn't believe the way she gripped his finger. He moaned with need, feeling his cock jump back to life.

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