Stormed Fortress

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Book: Stormed Fortress by Janny Wurts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janny Wurts
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction
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of the waxing moon, the misted air smelled of wet mineral. Game trails left by otters skeined through the scrub, raked to a leaning tangle of thatch by the floods at spring thaw.
    Summer ' s drought tamed the rampaging spate. Scoured stone scalloped the water ' s edge, lapped by the cold depths where the trout swam.
    ' Here ' Elaira caught Sidir ' s wrist before the tall clansman withdrew. ' Stay as you wish. I won ' t have secrets that fan the least doubt that I ' d use my powers to betray you. '
    ' To seek Feithan ' s daughter, perhaps not, ' Sidir challenged. ' But a man who serves Rathain ' s crown has to wonder. Whose hidden cause are you backing? '
    ' The civilized mask was already stripped, that night in the glen by the Willowbrook ' Elaira snapped, a touch acid. Day upon day of exhaustive, harsh company chafed the barbs lying under the skin. ' From chastened, need I grovel to beg a reprieve from the on-going punishment? I have no desire to harm your clan interests! My order ' s knowledge will not be engaged, even for straightforward scrying. '
    Sidir watched her elfin features turn haunted as she strained to recoup equilibrium. Not callous, at heart, he stripped away pretence. ' Dare I suggest your concern for Jeynsa might further your sisterhood ' s plot to trap Arithon Teir ' s ' Ffalenn? '
    ' You helped tear him from me, ' she shot back, uncowed. ' What could have changed? ' Her tight smile followed, both poisoned and wry. ' My oaths worn obedience is n ot all-encompassing. Life has another facet called choice. You ' ll see that girl safe because you cherish Feithan. Is my care as an honest woman no less? Or must one bad thread condemn the whole cloth? Which one of us isn ' t embroiled in mankind ' s stewpot of intrigue? I ' ve been magnanimous, ' Elaira said, stung. ' For the bitch in blind heat, my balked need ' s in plain sight. It ' s your mulish candidate for Rathain ' s caithdein whose spiteful agenda might fray Arithon ' s personal integrity. '
    Sidir fielded her accusation, flat calm. ' The crown liege whose shoulder I guarded at Vastmark would never abandon his oath of protection; sworn before death to her father. '
    ' He wouldn ' t, ' the mettlesome enchantress agreed. "That ' s the reason our hopeless mission can ' t fail and why you might want to muzzle your next slashing leap for the jugular. '
    Epiphany struck with splintering force. ' Your orders from Prime Selidie have not been revoked! ' While the sheeting curtains of spray smoked between them, the Companion most renowned for his tact found himself lashed to rare venom. ' Should you not stay the course and refashion the snare so narrowly thwarted in Halwythwood? '
    Which dart pierced too deeply: Elaira ' s caught breath tore a pause.
    Nor would Sidir relent, though she struck him. Not with the last prince of Rathain ' s crown lineage become the marked target for Koriani malice. Tell me you don ' t endanger all I hold dear! '
    ' I can ' t. ' The enchantress bent her head, hands pressed to her face. Whether she masked agony for the unconsummated love that Sidir had invoked charter law and the help of a Fellowship Sorcerer to thwart, steel honesty would not prevaricate. Elaira had never pretended her passion was not the prime bait in her sisterhood ' s bid to seize Arithon.
    Although genteel instinct yearned for reprieve, if only to soften discomfort, Sidir held firm. He carried the charge of an aggrieved mother ' s trust, as well as a kingdom laid open through the perils stalking its crown prince.
    ' I ' m duty-bound to keep contact with Arithon ' s interests, ' Elaira ventured at last. She rejected bitterness, despite the straits that seized her affection as the killing piece on the political game-board. ' My Prime ' s command leaves me no other path. But, pleas to Ath, I will seek my beloved after I ' m certain you ' ve secured that young girl from harm ' s way. She ' s your task, after that. Rope her wildcat fury to heel, then use every persuasion

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