Stopping the Dead

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Book: Stopping the Dead by Cy Gunther Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cy Gunther
and saw a door set in the warehouse across the street from them.  “Yeah.”
    “Well, the code on that is 4-3-2-1, and that warehouse stretches all the way to Mason Street.  The front office is all windows, and it has a second floor.  You’ll be able to get a good view of which way to go, and how many of the zombies are out there.  Okay?”
    The twins nodded.
    “We don’t know if anyone is in the warehouse,” Adam said.
    “Did have time to install the cameras,” Ernst added.
    “So you checking the warehouse,” Adam continued, “is going to enable us to put the cameras in once you’re back.   We will not make radio contact.  We already figured out that the dead can zone in on noise, so we’ll leave the call- ins to you.  Be safe, be smart.  If it gets touchy at all, get back to us.  Worst case scenario, come back by the main gate.  We can use the humvee or the pick-up to come get you, but diesel is in short supply, and we need to make sure that we don’t blow through the fuel.”
    Corey nodded, Brian adding, “Got it.”
    “Okay,” Adam said, looking at both of them.  “Be safe.”
    “And be smart,” Ernst said, “no stupid mistakes.”
    The twins nodded again, and Corey led the way up the ladder.  At the top he shifted his position, swung over, and dropped to the asphalt.  Within a heartbeat he had the A4 up before Brian was beside him.  Without looking back Corey led the way to the door, Brian covering him as he punched in the code.  The door clicked and Corey stepped in, weapon ready, Brian slipping in and closing the door. 
    The warehouse was dim, but their eyes adjusted quickly.  The place was huge and empty, steel I-beams interrupting the monotony of the floor as they supported the ceiling.  The building stretched easily for two hundred meters, if not three. 
    The twins moved at a quick trot, boots leaving prints in the dust, gear bouncing.  Ahead of them appeared a door and a staircase up to a second door.  Corey gave a nod to Brian, and his brother held back, bringing the A4 up and keeping a lock on the first floor door as Corey slung his rifle and moved quietly up the stairs, following a blood trail as he drew his machete.   Reaching the door he paused and listened.
    Beyond it he heard the sound of shuffling.
    Fuck me, he sighed.  Looking down to Brian he nodded, who flipped off his safety.
    Taking a deep breath Corey grabbed the doorknob, twisted, and pushed into the room. 
    The room stank of old death, a pair of male zombies swinging slowly to face him.  One was missing fingers on the hands reaching for him, while the other was missing most of his stomach and thighs.  But they were moving towards him, and Corey sidestepped Mr. Fingers and brought the machete down into the skull of Mr. Stomach.
    The bone cracked, split, and its eyes rolled back in its head as Mr. Stomach collapsed toward an old steel desk.
    Corey pulled the machete free and slipped under Mr. Fingerless’ closing arms.  He fought the urge for a center strike, and brought the weapon down hard into Mr. Fingerless’ temple, taking the whole top of the zombie’s head off.
    As the skull cap clattered off of the desk, Mr. Fingerless collapsed on top of Mr. Stomach.
    Stepping out of the room, Corey paused on the landing, flashed Brian the two signal, closed his fist, and made his way down the stairs.  He stopped at the first floor door, listened, and heard nothing.
    He looked back at Brian, who nodded.
    Corey took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and opened the door.
    The front office was empty save for dust, footprints, and the beginning of the blood trail. The windo ws were dusty, revealing Mason S treet beyond .  The street was short, a narrow cross section bracketed by the foundry on one side, and the American Legion on the other.  Across from the front office was The Sisters of Mercy Thrift Shop, sandwiched between a pair of empty store fronts.  Children’s clothes, books, and toys were neatly

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