Stop the Clock (Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective Book 12)

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Book: Stop the Clock (Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective Book 12) by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
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them together, stole the library clock. And I’m beginning to think, after that telephone call, that there might be more people involved with it,” I said. “Plus, I’m almost positive that Deirdre Shannon is behind all the problems with the library celebration.”
    “Do you have any real evidence to support your claims, Nancy?” Dad asked me.
    “No,” I said, “but it all makes sense.”
    “Well, Nancy, I think you’re on track with thelibrary clock, because what you’ve uncovered up to this point does seem to lead to the possibility of one or both of those men being involved,” he said. “But I honestly don’t see that kind of evidence with the library celebration problems. As you know, you have to have hard evidence,” Dad continued. “I know that you and Deirdre don’t like each other, and frankly, it’s easy to see why, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into her being responsible for these problems at the library. If you think about it objectively, it could all just be a series of unfortunate coincidences.”
    “I know you’re right, Dad, and I’ll try to keep that in mind,” I said. “It just seems odd to me that whenever I discover something else that’s gone wrong with the celebration, Deirdre is always around.”
    “Well, you told me she’s on your committee,” Dad said, “so she does have a reason for being at the library at the same time you are.”
    He had a point there. I’ve heard his lecture many times about how you have to avoid speculation and look for solid evidence if you want to win a case.
    The next morning, just as I was getting out of bed, the telephone on my night stand rang. It was Ned.
    “Listen, Nancy, I have a big favor to ask of you,” Ned said. “One of the copyeditors is sick today, so I’m down at the newspaper, helping Dad. But Icouldn’t get my car started this morning, so I had to come with him. Could you take me to the library in about thirty minutes, so I can meet with my study group?”
    “Sure, Ned,” I told him. “That won’t be a problem.”
    I jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom, turned on the steaming shower jets, and allowed the hot water to wake me up. After I toweled off, I used the blow dryer on my hair, and then grabbed some clothes from my closet. A quick glance at the clock on my nightstand told me I was already running late. I dabbed on a little eye shadow, yelled good-bye to Hannah, and was out the door.
    Ten minutes later I arrived in front of the River Heights Bugle . Ned wasn’t standing outside as he had promised, so I found a parking space two stores down and pulled in.
    Just as I got out of the car and shut the door, I realized that my keys were still in the ignition. And the doors lock automatically.
    I try never to panic about anything, because this is not a quality admired in detectives, but the real reason I wasn’t worried is because I have a very good friend with the road emergency service I belong to, Charlie Adams. He drives a truck for one of the local garages, and he’s always willing to drop whatever he’sdoing to come unlock my car door so I can retrieve my keys.
    I pressed #12 on my cell phone autodial; I’ve forgotten my keys so many times I programmed Charlie’s number in. He picked up on the third ring.
    “Hi, Charlie, it’s Nancy,” I said. “I need—”
    “Just give me the address,” Charlie said, “and I’ll be there in a second.”
    See, I told you this has happened more than once.
    Within a few minutes he was at my car. “Where were you?” I asked, totally impressed by his speed.
    “I was just two blocks over,” Charlie said. He gave me one of his biggest smiles. “I’m glad I was close by, because I wouldn’t want you to wait in this hot sun.”
    It didn’t take Charlie long to open the door, using what looked like a flimsy ruler to me—and in that short time, he managed to fill me in on most of the River Heights gossip.
    “But I saved the best for last, Nancy,” Charlie

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