Stolen Moments

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Book: Stolen Moments by Radclyffe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Radclyffe
anything.” Her words were barely audible, even to herself, but Blaise’s eyes flared. Curling up in her seat, she tucked the blanket more firmly around them. Corazon was intensely aware of Blaise never taking her left hand away from between her thighs.
    “I saw you were uncomfortable at takeoff,” Blaise said and pushed the armrest between them up and out of her way. “Dislike flying?”
    “Hate it. Scares me to death every time.”
    Sliding her other hand farther up, Blaise stroked the damp skin on the inside of Corazon’s thighs. She coaxed Corazon to part her legs as much as was possible in her skirt. Her smile faded, replaced with a look of unmasked desire.
    “That’s right. Spread your legs for me…Corazon.”
    The sound of her name on Blaise’s lips sent another rush of wetness between Corazon’s legs.
    “I’ll show you a very, very good way to relieve the stress of flying.”
    Knowing how clear her arousal would become if Blaise moved any higher, Corazon turned her head, intending to hide her face against the other woman’s hair. Quickly Blaise dipped her head, captured Corazon’s lips, and pressed hard against her. She slipped her tongue inside, ravaging Corazon’s mouth. Unable to do anything but surrender, Corazon whimpered, almost, but not quite inaudibly.
    “Good,” Blaise whispered against her mouth, the sweetness of her breath warm against Corazon’s skin. “You have to be quiet. Very quiet. All right?” Her hand slipped higher and she ran her blunt nails along the silky skin of Corazon’s thigh.
    “And you also have to sit very still.” Blaise’s voice was a mere breath. “Or our neighbors will notice us. Promise?”
    “Promise.” I promise, I promise…Touch me! Please!
    “And I want you to whisper very, very quietly to me how you feel…when I do this.”
    Corazon trembled as Blaise’s nimble fingers pushed the drenched silk aside, exposing slick, slippery folds.
    “Oh God.”
    The curious fingertips avoided the rock-hard, protruding clitoris, and still it jerked, over and over, as if begging for attention. Corazon couldn’t believe this could be happening, how this beautiful stranger now had access to the most intimate part of her body. I haven’t had sex in months and look what happens.
    “How does this feel?” Blaise whispered.
    “So—damn—good,” Corazon muttered in a staccato voice and shifted in the seat, managing to spread her legs farther and still be covered by the blanket. “You burn me.”
    Blaise’s fingers played in the wetness, still avoiding the aching ridge, instead circling Corazon’s entrance. “Damn good, huh?” Her lips touched Corazon’s earlobe as she whispered. “You’re incredible. I haven’t felt anything like this…ever. So sensitive, so…responsive.”
    “It’s fire. More…” It was agony not to be able to buck against Blaise’s hand. She would have given anything to have those inquisitive fingers plunge into her. “I’m soaked.” Husky and dark, she hardly recognized her own voice. “You make me too wet.”
    “There ain’t no such thing,” Blaise drawled and proved her statement by dabbing two fingers in Corazon’s juices. She painted wet traces on the inside of Corazon’s thighs before returning to her engorged sex. Cupping it, she took a handful. Corazon pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth, forcing herself to remain quiet. She needed to be vocal, to moan out loud and acknowledge the roaring fire inside, but willed herself to breathe evenly.
    “So, you shave. Nice. Smooth,” Blaise purred. Another tug. “I don’t, but I trim.”
    A movement under the blanket to her right caught Corazon’s attention. It seemed that Blaise’s right arm was occupied, doing something else, something that made her eyes sparkle, casting enticing highlights in the darkness.
    “Yes,” Blaise whispered. “I’m touching myself, like I touch you. Everything I do to you, I do to myself. You’ve made me so

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