Stephanie's Castle

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Book: Stephanie's Castle by Susanna Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susanna Hughes
Tags: Slaves, sexual variation, susanna hughes, strictly disciplined
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castle were revealed. Most of the questions
answered. She remembered that she had not asked Devlin about
Venetia and made a mental note to do so when he returned.
    Taking her
champagne she sat on one of the loungers in the full sun, feeling
the sun on her face. In the distance she could still hear the faint
roar of the motorboat's engines carrying Devlin to the mainland.
What the problem was she could not imagine but, to be honest with
herself, she was glad of the chance to be on her own and let her
mind digest what was happening to her. She thought of going up to
her room and lying in the sun on her terrace, as she wasn't yet
ready for lunch, but for the moment she had no inclination to
    As she lay
with her eyes closed against the sunlight she let her mind wander
back to the cellar and its occupants. Remembering the feelings she
had felt as she lay on her back drowning in Dolly's flesh, she
could not help an involuntary shiver of pleasure. She got up and
walked into the house, telling the servants she'd have lunch in an
hour. But as she walked to the staircase and mounted the first few
steps she stopped, reversed her direction and headed instead for
the small wooden door hidden behind the tapestry drape. The cellar
was pulling her back. She had felt the same with the masked man on
the plane, a force like a magnet, invisible, but impossible to
resist. She wanted more, though more of what specifically she had
no idea. More of something.
    The cellar
door had been left unlocked. Was that Devlin anticipating her
needs? She grasped the rope at the side of the stone steps and
walked down into the dimly lit cellars. She wondered, as she rapped
twice on the door to the cells, whether Bruno would let her in on
her own, but when the door swung open he seemed almost to be
expecting her and stood aside immediately to let her in.
    She said
nothing to him and walked up and down the corridor looking into the
cells more carefully this time. One of the women, a tall blonde
beauty with long hair and long slender legs, particularly caught
her eye. Stephanie noticed thin red marks on the top of her thighs
and imagined she had been whipped. Of all the slaves this woman
looked the most discontented. But Stephanie did not feel in the
mood for a challenge or another lesbian experience. As she
contemplated the tall blonde she realised that what she actually
wanted was cock. She wanted to be fucked. That was what she had
missed this morning. She wanted a hot live cock deep inside her
cunt. As she thought about it the need grew and became urgent.
    There was no
way to compare the cocks of the male slaves, as they all wore the
hard leather pouches. She would have to go on general appearance
and hope for the best. She could, of course, have Bruno strip the
pouches off but that would have taken too long and she was in a
hurry. In the second cell was a stocky, hairless and reasonably
attractive man in his late thirties. He had a good firm body and
short dark hair with an alert and open face.
    'Number two,'
she ordered. Bruno opened the cell without question.
    The man assumed the position she had seen Dolly adopt with
Devlin, kneeling with his head down. Stephanie went over to him and
stroked his hair gently, very much as Devlin had with Dolly. He did
not look up, and she took his chin in her hand and forced his head
up so he had to look into her eyes. His name-tag read: Adam . She could not tell
what was in his mind, whether it was fear or anticipation or
disinterest. Whatever it was she suddenly laughed out loud. She
continued to laugh as she took her dress off for the second time
this morning.
    Bruno still
stood in the doorway of the cell. Stephanie considered sending him
away but decided against it. There was no point. In fact, the short
riding crop tucked into the belt of his tunic had given her an
idea, an idea that excited her more than she would have imagined
possible after this morning's activities. She removed her bra and
saw that her nipples

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