Stella Mia

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Book: Stella Mia by Rosanna Chiofalo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosanna Chiofalo
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stayed up late at night, sewing by hand a large, voluminous skirt with plenty of ruffles to conceal the extra layers of clothes I’ll be wearing when I run away. It’s the only way to be able to take a few clothes with me without raising my father’s suspicions, since it would look strange for me to bring a bag larger than a pocketbook to the feast. I also sewed a few pockets in the lining of my underwear to hide my money. Except for my clothes and money, the only other possessions I am taking are my ruby red rosary, which my mother gave to me for my first Holy Communion, a small Bible, my diary, and a photograph of my family that was taken a few years back. Fortunately, my father was the one to take the photograph, so he’s missing from the portrait. My Bible is small enough to fit in my pocketbook, but I will have to place my diary in the waistband of the slip I’ll be wearing. I sewed additional elastic around my slip’s waistband to give it added reinforcement so that I won’t lose my diary.
    I woke up much earlier today so that I could complete all of my chores about an hour before we leave for the feast. But it’s as if my father suspects I have ulterior motives. Just when I think I’m done, he throws more work my way. I forgot that I not only need to iron his suit, but also my siblings’ dress clothes. Working at a frantic pace, I try to hurry so that I have enough time to get ready. The heat of the iron coupled with my anxiety makes me sweat profusely. Finally, with just twenty minutes to spare, I’m done ironing. I grab the bundle with my extra clothes and the few possessions I’m taking with me and am about to walk out of the room I share with the children when Carlotta calls me.
    â€œSarina, I need help with my stockings.”
    I halt in my tracks. Without turning around, I say, “Carlotta, I have shown you more than once how to put on your stockings. You will never learn if I am always dressing you.”
    â€œPlease, Sarina! I promise this will be the last time.”
    Shutting my eyes tightly, I force back the tears, for I know with certainty that Carlotta will be able to keep her promise after tonight.
    I walk over to my younger sister and do my best to keep a stern face lest my true emotions betray me and I break down.
    â€œ Grazie, Sarina! Now I’m all ready for the feast! Do you think Papá will buy me zeppole? ” Carlotta looks into my face expectantly. The fried doughnuts are one of her favorite sweets sold at the feast.
    â€œMost certainly and, if he’s in one of his grumpy moods, then I’ll buy you zeppole. That is, if you’re a good girl. But that’s our secret, Carlotta. You must not tell Papá or Mama that I have some money. Okay?” I place my hands on either side of Carlotta’s face, forcing her to look me in the eye. She nods her head.
    â€œI always want you to remember that I will carry you in my heart forever. Ti voglio bene .” I hug Carlotta tightly.
    â€œI love you, too, Sarina.”
    â€œNow run out. I need to get ready.”
    I watch Carlotta run to the front of the house and join my other siblings. How can I leave her? How can I leave my mother and the rest of them? But my sanity depends on it. Walking to the bathroom, I’m relieved no one is in there. I step in and quickly wash my face. I then put on the layers of clothes I’m taking with me. Why did I even bother taking a bath today since I will no doubt be sweating in all these clothes, not to mention it is a warm June day? As I finish getting dressed, I hear my father yell, “Sarina, where are you? It’s time to leave.”
    My heart races. I take one last look at myself in the mirror above the tiny sink in our bathroom. The face that greets me in the mirror is full of fear. Shrugging the feeling off, I walk out of the bathroom purposefully.
    I notice my mother is staring at my skirt, and I pray she does not ask me

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