STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3)

Read Online STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3) by Samantha Leal - Free Book Online

Book: STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3) by Samantha Leal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Leal
    “Nothing,” she said. “Look, why don’t we…” she started to change the subject when suddenly the growl of a deep bike engine came thundering down the street and interrupted.
    Steel dropped her hands and got to his feet immediately, looking in the direction of the noise and squinting to try and see who was riding.
    “King,” he said. “Something’s wrong…”
    Candy got to her feet, too. She could sense the urgency in the manner King was coming towards them, weaving in and out of cars and screeching up onto the pavement. Steel rushed forward and waited for King to climb off. Candy could tell that something was bothering him as he slammed his foot-break down and ran a shaking hand through his hair.
    “King?” Steel said with urgency.
    “It’s bad,” King said as he looked up at them both. “You’re going to have to come with me. We can’t talk here.”
    Steel threw twenty dollars down onto the table and took hold of Candy’s hand.
    “Clubhouse,” Steel barked as King nodded and mounted his bike again.
    He pulled off back into traffic and Steel strode with Candy, pulling her back in the direction of her home.
    “What’s the matter?” she panted, trying to keep up with him.
    “We have to get to the clubhouse right now,” he said. “Something’s happened, and it’s the only place we’ll be safe.”
    Candy started shaking, and Steel stopped before he turned her to face him and held onto her tightly by the shoulders.
    “Whatever we are walking into,” he whispered. “You’re my priority now, and I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe.”
    Candy felt her stomach lurch at his honesty, and even though she knew they were in a hurry, she couldn’t miss the opportunity. She pushed up onto her tiptoes, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
    As Steel wrapped his big, protective arms around her, she was weak at the knees. She wanted and needed him so badly, and she was terrified that after finding him, she might lose him in this rivalry.
    “Please,” she said as she blinked back tears. “Don’t leave me.”
    “I’m not going to, babe,” he said. “But we have to get to the clubhouse.”
    He pulled her down the road and back onto her street. His bike was still parked outside of her house in the space where her car would normally be, and she remembered it was still at Red X.
    “Forget your car for now,” he said, almost as if he could read her mind. “You won’t be going back to the club… I’ll get you a new one.”
    “What?” she laughed. “I can’t just forget my car… And what do you mean? You said that everything would be alright?”
    He shook his head and stopped in his tracks.
    “Maybe not now,” he said. “I can tell something big has happened.”
    He held onto her by the waist and lifted her up onto the back of the bike before he climbed on in front of her. Candy wrapped her arms around him as he started the engine, and she realized that she was shaking. She had no idea what was going on, but Steel and King were obviously worried.
    As they flew down the highway and out onto the other side of town, her heart raced and her mind churned.
    What had happened to the club?
    What had happened to Marv?
    And more than anything else, if the other gang managed to take over Red X…what was going to happen to her?

    They turned off the highway and made their way down a beaten track. Candy didn’t recognize where she was, but she knew now where she was going. They were heading to The Forsaken Riders’ headquarters, the clubhouse, the only place either of them would be safe.
    They were in the middle of the desert, riding fast and swerving to avoid potholes. The sun shone down on them fiercely from above, and Candy looked out over her shoulder to see a dust cloud trail billowing out behind them. As they went over a small rise, the road opened out ahead of them and there, deep in a valley, Candy could see the proud old building and

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