Stay as Sweet as You Are

Read Online Stay as Sweet as You Are by Joan Jonker - Free Book Online

Book: Stay as Sweet as You Are by Joan Jonker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Jonker
    ‘That’s right, Ruby, there’s nothing like starting the day on a happy note.’ There was sarcasm in Bob’s voice. ‘Always laughing and joking, that’s you. The life and soul of the party.’
    ‘Well, I’m not going to die, I’m too young.’ Lucy nodded her head to show she meant it. ‘I’m going to live until I’m as old as Mrs Aggie.’
    ‘Don’t let Aggie hear yer say that, pet, ’cos she’s not that old, yer know. I’d say in her early sixties.’
    ‘Oh, I didn’t mean I thought Mrs Aggie should die, Dad!’ Lucy said. ‘I’d be very sad if anything happened to her, she’s lovely and she’s me friend.’
    ‘She’s a nosy old witch,’ Ruby snorted. ‘All she needs is a broomstick and she could fly away over the houses. And it would be good riddance to her.’
    Lucy looked down at her clasped hands for a second, then twisted in her chair. ‘Mrs Aggie’s not wicked, she’s nice and kind.’
    ‘That’s enough now.’ Bob pointed to the clock. ‘Don’t yer think yer’d better be making tracks, pet? Yer don’t want to be late for school.’
    Lucy’s heart was beating fast. She’d rather have had a clout off her mam than have her say those things about Mrs Aggie. Why did she hate everyone so much? There wasn’t one neighbour she had a kind word for. ‘I’ll get me coat, Dad.’ She pushed her chair back under the table, and knowing her father’s presence would prevent her from getting a hiding, she had the courage to face her mother. ‘You don’t like no one, you don’t.’
    Bob stood up. ‘Come on, get yer coat on and I’ll see yer out. One of the reasons I stayed up was to sneak a kiss off yer. I don’t get nearly enough.’
    This brought a smile to Lucy’s face. ‘I’ll give yer six, that’ll be one for every day.’
    Bob gave her a playful smack on the bottom. ‘I’ll put five in me pocket and take one out every morning.’
    After waving his daughter off, Bob closed the door with a heavy heart. He was tired after working all night and would have loved nothing better than to get his head down. But things needed sorting out, and they needed doing now. But where to start, when his wife was making it plain she had no intention of meeting him halfway?
    Ruby lit a cigarette and drew deeply on it when Bob came into the room. ‘Ye’re making a rod for yer own back with that girl, she’s getting far too cheeky.’
    ‘Let’s leave Lucy out of it, shall we? This is just between you and me.’
    She raised her eyebrows. ‘Aren’t yer going to bed?’
    ‘Later.’ Bob looked down at the littered table. ‘Will yer clear these things away, please?’
    ‘I’ll do it when I’ve finished me cigarette. There’s no bleedin’ hurry, I’ve got all day.’
    ‘You might have, but I haven’t.’ Bob made no move to sit down. ‘I want a bit of comfort in me own home, if it’s not too much trouble.’
    With the cigarette dangling out of the side of her mouth, Ruby began to stack the plates and cups. She did it almost in slow motion, with that hard look on her face and all the while blowing smoke in Bob’s direction. Her actions were deliberate, and her way of telling him she wasn’t going to knuckle under to him or anyone else.
    Bob’s temper snapped as the incident in the canteen came back to remind him why he had to put his foot down. He leaned across the table, snatched the cigarette from her lips and flicked it into the grate. ‘I have never been nearer to hitting you than I am this minute. Don’t try me patience too far, Ruby, or yer’ll be sorry. Now get this mess cleared away and we’ll sit down and air our differences.’
    The table was cleared within minutes and the chenille cloth put back. Then Bob gestured to a chair facing him. ‘I’m tired and ready for bed, but I’ll not leave this room until we come to an understanding. We can do it in a civilised manner or we can do it the hard way. It’s up to you.’
    Ruby narrowed her eyes. ‘What

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