Star Force: Hamoriti (SF62)

Read Online Star Force: Hamoriti (SF62) by Aer-ki Jyr - Free Book Online

Book: Star Force: Hamoriti (SF62) by Aer-ki Jyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aer-ki Jyr
terms on payment, we will also require security guarantees
for the systems we devote to building the forces you require. We have many
enemies, and they must not be allowed to strike at these worlds and disrupt the
flow, for we may or may not be able to compensate from other locations. We will
draw what is necessary for the time being, but new worlds will have to be
acquired and constructed by us under your protection…and that protection must
never expire .”
    “ If
such systems are local, that is an acceptable addition .”
    “ How
soon would these strikes be instigated? ”
    “ We
can have the first of the weapons patches available within 4 months, and we
will modify your ships on site when they arrive. Do note that until your
vessels begin carrying Vichsam more will be required to neutralize the minion
seeds utilizing plasma alone .”
    “ What
numbers do you estimate will be needed? ”
    “ That
depends on the Hamoriti. Right now we estimate no less than 200 of your
warships per day and the addition of ground troops if needed. ”
    “ We
can draw that number from our existing fleets for a time, but in order to
provide a steady flow of ships we will need additional raw materials in order
to construct the designated supply worlds quickly enough .”
    “ I
can offer assistance in acquiring materials from those sites, but not from
Trinx stockpiles .”
    “ We
are in principle agreement then, but must demand one additional caveat before
we begin negotiating payment terms. Your guarantee not to interfere in our
expansion. We will respect your worlds, but will be unchained from assaulting
any others, regardless of your associations with them .”
    Nesfa smiled ironically. “ If you try to assault any of our associates,
I wish you luck. You will suffer a quick death. ”
    “ But
you must agree not to interfere even if we should try .”
    “ Agreed.
The threat of the Hamoriti trumps all other concerns. Proceed as you like so
long as you hold to the agreement without fail. Even a slight pause will allow the
minion seeds to gain a foothold, and that cannot be allowed to happen .”
    “ We
will supply all that are necessary without fail, so long as you continue to
deliver the technology upgrades as promised. ”
    “ Let
us begin working through that timetable then ,” Nesfa said, pulling out a
palm-sized holographic generator and setting it on the floor where it created a
virtual workstation between the two of them. The Trinx tapped on one of the
solid holograms, bringing up a timeline matrix that they would begin to fill
in. He wasn’t going to give them any advanced tech, but there was plenty of
valuable improvements he could offer short of that. How much the
Li’vorkrachnika would demand was a question mark, but he intended to broker a
limited deal and not let them gouge tech out of him.
    Containing the Hamoriti was worth
any amount, but he wasn’t a reckless negotiator and would haggle until they
reached an amicable agreement no matter how long it took. His fleets would buy
them enough time for that, now that they had a viable plan for which to
sacrifice and stall for.


    March 18, 2724
    Haphchap System
(Hamoriti location)
    Unnamed planet

    The Sety fleet was mostly stationed in middle orbit
around the star, with a handful of ships scattered elsewhere within the system
for observational reasons, but none anywhere near the surface of the planet.
The closest was in a high elliptical orbit so it could stay in position over
the Hamoriti and observe the continuing Trinx suicide runs in to eliminate the
minion seeds within a few hours of their spawning. Each time they did nearly
all their ships were lost, and the Sety were not about to contribute to such
sacrifice when all it did was buy them a few more days.
    The Hamoriti didn’t seem to care about the situation
and merely continued with its seed laying attempts, further trashing the
surface with its weaponized tsunamis each time the

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