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Book: StandOut by Marcus Buckingham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Buckingham
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everything back to its rightful place. Or it might be ethical—you are acutely aware of who is responsible for what, and you are quick to take action if someone doesn’t live up to her responsibilities. You have no problem calling her out if she hasn’t followed through, and you are just as willing to call yourself out when you drop the ball.
    You see the commitments we make to one another as threads that connect us and allow us to share in each other’s success. It pains you when you see these threads break, and so you are their passionate protector. At your best, you are our conscience, helping us realize how much we owe one another and how much we rely on one another. You hold us together.

You, at Your Most Powerful
• You are a levelheaded person. The world is best for you when it is in balance.
• Yours is a moral world made up of mutual obligations. You are driven to keep the balance in this moral world. You are unnerved when your world tips too far in any one direction.
• What tips your world out of balance?
When people don’t tell the truth. You hate lying, or even half-truths. Politics and finessing are anathema to you. You feel strengthened by the truth and you tell the truth. Sometimes quite bluntly.
When there is ambiguity and uncertainty. You try to redress the balance by finding out more facts. Facts are solid.
When people do not follow through on their commitments. This bugs the heck out you. You will push them, or yourself, to do whatever it takes to ensure that the commitment is met. If it isn’t, then the only way to pull the world back into balance is to make amends in some way.
When someone is wronged. Yours is a moral world, and so it offends you when someone’s wrong is not righted. You are a passionate defender of people’s rights, including your own.
Where you see huge disparities of reward and/or praise. You have a strong sense of the innate worth of each person, and it offends you when someone is raised up significantly higher than another. No matter how talented this person may be, it just doesn’t seem right to you.
• You are a categorical person. Black and white. True or false. Don’t give me pretty pictures and grand claims , you think to yourself. Just tell me if you did it or you didn’t .
• You are predictable and consistent. At least you strive to be. This is why people come to trust you.
• People come to you when they want clarity and opinion. You weigh things in your mind and get a strong sense of what the right thing to do is in almost any situation.
• You think in terms of who has the “right” to do this? Rights and responsibilities are your guides. It offends you when you think that someone has overstepped their bounds and done something they have no right to do. You will fight for redress.

How to Describe Yourself (in Interviews, Performance Reviews)
• “I am a highly responsible person.”
• “People always know where they stand with me, even if sometimes they don’t like where they stand.”
• “I am the kind of person who takes a stand for causes I deeply believe to be right, even if it puts me in the minority. For example, there was this time when . . .”
• “I’m at my best when I’m persuading people to see what is right and do what is right—even if they are tempted to do something else.”
• “I hate unfinished work. It just eats at me. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
• “I’m totally transparent. What you see with me is what you get. I am not good at all with hidden agendas— whether my own, or other peoples’.”
• “Sometimes I can be a little blunt with people, but I hope they come to see me as someone whom they can always trust to speak truthfully.”

How to Make an Immediate Impact
• People like certainty. Follow-through is the surest way to give them this certainty . No matter how tempting it might be to look around the

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