Standing Strong

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Book: Standing Strong by Fiona McCallum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona McCallum
people’s business?’
    Ethel sighed, went over and turned off the tap, wound the hose up on its reel, and took it back to beside the house. Jacqueline stood there not knowing if she was expected to stay or if this was Ethel signalling she wasn’t wasting any more breath on the topic and their conversation was over. For Jacqueline, it was far from over.
    Finally Ethel looked up at her and spoke. ‘Sounds like you need a cup of tea.’
    I don’t need a bloody cup of tea , Jacqueline wanted to snap, I need an explanation or for you to mind your own bloody business . But instead she meekly followed Ethel inside.
    â€˜Now, don’t go getting all uppity with me, missy,’ Ethel said, pointing her finger at Jacqueline as she waited at the bench to tend the pot. ‘I did it for your own good.’
    Jacqueline opened her mouth to protest.
    â€˜Uh-uh, just hear me out,’ Ethel said, raising a silencing hand.
    Jacqueline shut her mouth and clasped her hands tightly together under the table.
    â€˜You need the town to know there is nothing between you and Damien so no one gets wind you’ve done anything wrong with regards your career, right?’
    Jacqueline nodded.
    â€˜So, what better way than to get the news going through the oldies and the young ones at once?’
    Jacqueline wondered if Louise and Cecile had invited her out of their own accord or been manipulated by Ethel. She really didn’t like all this meddling going on around her and involving her. But she was starting to see it was being done for the right reason. Ethel’s heart was in the right place. But it still rankled.
    â€˜Yes, Louise’s invitation tonight was off her own bat,’ Ethel said, startling Jacqueline slightly. Did the woman have psychic abilities as well? ‘Not that I wouldn’t have pulled a few strings in that direction, too, if need be.’ Ethel grinned naughtily. When that grin came out, Jacqueline could never be annoyed with the old lady.
    â€˜God, Ethel, you’re incorrigible,’ she said, smiling and shaking her head slowly, rolling her eyes as a steaming cup of tea was placed in front of her.
    â€˜Friends again?’
    â€˜Yes, but you have to stop meddling.’
    â€˜Now, that I cannot promise. Not when it’s for a good cause. And you, my dear, are a good cause. But, seriously, it’s one thing for a rumour to go around about you and Damien, but it’s even better to back it up with a sighting, actual evidence.’
    â€˜You make me sound like the Loch Ness monster, or Big Foot, or something.’
    â€˜Well, you are a local attraction.’
    As she sipped her tea, it struck Jacqueline that creating the news around her and Damien might have the opposite of the desired result; that putting their names in the front of people’s minds again might get people thinking, and then someone might … No, she was being paranoid. No one cared about her private life – well, they did if you asked Ethel … But still. She reminded herself of a quote she’d heard a few times: No one thinks of us nearly as often as we think they do. Well, she thought that was how it went. And, anyway, whatever was going to happen, was going to happen. She’d done her best to right a wrong situation for the good of all concerned. She really just had to put it out of her mind and get on.
    In the next breath, Ethel changed the subject. ‘It’s time you went and did some community talks over at Hope Springs. How would next Tuesday work – seven p.m.? CWA?’
    â€˜It’s very short notice, isn’t it? And I thought they only met during the day.’
    â€˜Ah, doesn’t take much to rally the troops. And they do usually only meet during the day. But I said you’re far too busy now with your growing list to go gallivanting around the countryside during work hours,’ Ethel said with a wave of her hand. ‘It’ll be

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