Stand Against The Storm (The Maxwell Saga Book 4)

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Book: Stand Against The Storm (The Maxwell Saga Book 4) by Peter Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Grant
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Sergeant Kinnear pointed out as he stood with Steve on the flat roof of the three-story Administration building, nursing a mug of hot, steaming coffee in his hands as they watched the last elements of the depot come together. “The spaceport people are screaming they’re gonna bring charges if we don’t. They’re also askin’ all sorts of questions about a dozen rifles and ammo that went missing from the armory. They seem t’ think we had something t’ do with it.” He tried – unsuccessfully – to look like an innocent choirboy, and Steve had to laugh.
    “I guess we’d better humor them about the heavy equipment. As for the rifles, I reckon the armory techs we bribed with those packs of dried fruit and chocolate rations will cover for us. After all, if we’re found out, they will be too! Even if the spaceport makes a fuss, I don’t think Major Emory will be too hard-nosed about it. We’ve given him a working depot with its own hardstand for cargo shuttles, roads and paths that can stand up to heavy use and rainy weather – at least for a while – and a fully-operational vehicle maintenance section as well. Those Qianjin prisoners have really come through for us.”
    “They sure have! We’ll have to – uh-oh. Do you see what I see?” He pointed to a Marine assault shuttle that came into view from the direction of the city, low on the horizon, heading towards them. The faint rumble of its reaction thrusters grew louder.
    “I do – and it looks like it’s headed our way. Let’s go down to the hardstand.”
    By the time they reached the depot’s gate, the assault shuttle was already circling prior to landing. It touched down, bouncing lightly on its gel-filled tires, and the roar of its reaction thrusters died away. As they retracted into their housings, the rear ramp opened and the familiar figure of Major Emory strode down it. Steve and Kinnear braced to attention.
    Emory returned Steve’s salute. “Morning, Lieutenant.” He glanced around the hardstand, a smile of satisfaction on his face. “I must admit, I never expected you to make this much progress so quickly. A good-sized hardstand in front of the wall, hard-surfaced roads inside leading to and between the stacks of supplies, a fully functional administration center, a sick bay, mess and accommodation facilities… I asked to borrow one of Cybele’s officers and some spacers out of sheer desperation, because I couldn’t spare anyone for this job. I hadn’t expected much more than a heap of containers and supplies that we’d have to sort out later, but you’ve built a fully functional supply depot as well as, if not better than, we could have done ourselves.”
    Steve couldn’t help being pleased by such effusive praise. “Thank you, Sir. These Marine engineers were a big part of it, and also the Qianjin prisoners who’ve worked so hard alongside us. It took a team effort to do this.”
    “True, but you led the team. You know what happens when you do a big job well, don’t you?”
    Steve rolled his eyes. “They give you a bigger one, right, Sir?”
    “Right first time! Your ship’s heading back to Cassius to get another load of supplies, but Captain Davis asked Commander Doibro whether she could leave you behind to help us. She wasn’t happy about that, but she does have an Assistant Navigator and she’s qualified herself, so eventually she agreed. Until she gets back you’ll report to me and help us expand this depot.”
    “Oh! Er… OK, Sir, I guess.”
    “Don’t worry. We won’t kill you from overwork – at least, not quite.” All three men grinned. “First off, there’s going to be a big expansion of this facility, starting today. The spaceport’s maintenance hangar was destroyed in the fighting, and a lot of their technicians were killed or injured. They’re going to send all their remaining parts and tools over here this morning, along with the few techs they’ve got left, then fly their cutters and cargo

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