Spurred On (The Quick and the Hot)

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Book: Spurred On (The Quick and the Hot) by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
Tags: contemporary western
trained? She’d spent her whole life watching men care for these animals before she’d ever thought to take over on her own.
    Hayden made a movement that caught her attention. She darted a look at him.
    And nearly crumpled to the floor at his blazing expression. Fierce. Wanting.
    Filled with lust.
    Her nipples bunched up hard, and he dropped his gaze to where they obviously poked against her thin T-shirt. His throat worked with a long swallow.
    Her face was on fire both from his unwanted attention and her daddy making her look like a fool in front of Hayden, but she gave a nod. Without a word, she unlatched Haywire’s door and closed herself inside with the giant animal.
    “Were you looking for me, Meadows?” her father asked.
    “Oh.” Hayden sounded distracted, his voice too near the stall where Zoe Beth wished she could hide. “Yes. I wanted to talk to you about the woods we’re clearing.”
    “Let’s discuss it over coffee. I could use a cup. It’s been a long morning.” Her father raised his voice. “You doing all right, Zoe Beth?”
    The urge to yell and kick the wooden walls stole her sanity. For a maddening moment she feared she would totally lose it. But she couldn’t afford to toss away control. To act out would only pile more disrespect on her head.
    “Fine,” she said tightly.
    She waited for their footsteps to vanish. Then she left Haywire’s stall. “Infuriating man. I know how to care for a wound. Who does he think I am? Some rodeo queen waiting for the next competition so I can wear my prettiest leather fringe coat?” She was as tough and knowledgeable as any man on the ranch.
    And Hayden… God, the look on his face had seared through her core and had her soaking wet. They both seemed ready to go up in flames.
    Buck and Mark passed the open barn door. Mark’s voice reached her clearly. “What’s up with Meadows? I asked him a question, and he about snapped my head off.”
    “Not sure. He’s been out of sorts for three days. Twice I’ve caught him working at night. Says he’s trying to clear his mind.”
    Three days. Was it possible he’d been just as affected by their erotic encounter as she was?
    “We asked him to head into town for a drink on Saturday, and he said he had work to do. Seems odd, a man working that much and not taking time to share a beer with the guys. Roddy always jumped at the chance to buy us a round on a Saturday night. It’s just about the only downtime we’ve got.” Mark stopped in the doorway to spit a stream of tobacco into the bushes.
    “That so? Well, maybe Meadows will find his place. He’s only been here a week. Give him a bit of time to get settled.”
    “I don’t know him well, but he seems mighty flighty for a foreman.”
    Buck paused too and nodded.
    Oh no. Their view of Hayden was not good. If they thought he was too distracted to do his duties, word would get back to her father, and Hayden’s job would be on the line.
    That’s what I want, isn’t it?
    No, it wasn’t. Maybe the first day she’d wanted to see Hayden Meadows ride off the Cole Ranch so she could have a shot at his job. But now she saw what people thought of her—she was the daughter of Val Cole, not the son, and he thought her incapable of even tending a wound without instruction.
    Her daddy would never hand over the multimillion-dollar ranch to her.
    She dropped her chin to her chest and stared at her boots until the tears blurring her vision dried up. There was only one thing to do.
    Find Hayden and let him know he needed to jump into the saddle and amp up his game.
    * * * *
    When Zoe Beth entered the kitchen for the noon meal, Hayden stopped breathing. She glided toward the end of the table, little booted feet tapping on the wood floor in time to his heart.
    “Good to see you’re feeling better,” Mark said as she passed.
    “Thanks, Mark”
    Hayden ground his teeth. The way the ranch hand’s gaze lingered on her backside as she moved away from him made Hayden want

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