sitting on Bradley’s lap. Sweet.
    Bradley goes in head first and pats his leg. “Just for you, gorgeous.” His hand brushes my hair behind my shoulders.
    I close the curtain behind me and take my rightful spot. I keep my weight on my toes. I don’t want to make his legs go to sleep, but he pulls me back and I practically fall in his lap. His arms curl around me, and a fuzzy sensation climbs up my body.
    I look in the glass box. His blue aura is lying up against me. I’ve never been fond of blue on me, but his blue looks great and comment on how good we look together.
    “Let’s do a silly one first,” Bradley says. He twists his lips and flares his nostrils.
    The flash goes off.
    “Let’s stare at each other.” Bradley turns his face towards mine and I do exactly what he says. We are nose to nose.
    The flash goes off.
    “Kiss me.” Bradley whispers before his lips press against mine.
    The flash goes off.
    He deepens the kiss, keeping it gentle and allowing his tongue to find mine. His hands move along my face. I don’t dare move as they tighten to hold steady so he can have the kiss just how he wants it. I am more than willing to give it.
    The flash goes off.
    “That will be the best one.” Bradley smiles, pulling away.
    “I already know it’s my favorite,” I say and go back for seconds.
    “What?” Bradley pulls back with a questionable look on his face. “You have a funny look in your eye.”
    I bit my bottom lip. I wonder if Dabi Stone ever got the chance to get her picture taken in a photo booth. I know I should tell him about Splitsville.com and who I really am. Only, I don’t know him all that well and frankly I’m not ready to give up a blue aura.
    “Nothing.” I smile and lean in next to his ear. I twirl a little curl of his hair around my finger. “I’m happy. That’s all,” I whisper and go back for seconds, again .
    “See.” I’m so proud to have the one-inch by one-inch piece of paper and hold it up for Erin to see.
    “Oh fun!” Erin turns to Kent and begins to beg him with a whining voice, “Let’s make one.” 
    Kent scoots his chair away from Erin. “No way.”
    Erin’s smile fades, but she doesn’t give up. “Please?”
    Her words make me cringe. I hate hearing her beg. Why won’t he do it? Why can’t she find a guy that’ll make her happy like Bradley’s making me happy?
    “Eh.” He has no problem letting us know his disgust as he takes a quick look at my pride and joy. “Don’t you think you’re a little old for something so childish?” His eyes stab me in my soul and I wince. I can’t stare too long or his aura will ruin the entire night.
    “No.” Bradley takes the picture from my hand. “We love it.” He smiles and leans down giving me a peck on the cheek. Bradley speaks softly into my ear, “Don’t mind him. He’s jealous.”
    I inhale, bringing life back into my deflated body. Even though we’ve only known each other a short time, somehow Bradley knows exactly what to say.
    He’ll never hurt me like Kent will hurt Erin. Or at least that’s what his aura tells me. And auras are never wrong.
    “We like to go to The Gallery.” Kent puts his arm around Erin as if he owns her. “Besides, we have some things to talk about.”
    La-ti-da, who gives a big crap about going to The Gallery. It’s a swank art gallery in the newly revamped downtown area where you have to dress up, drink wine, pretend you know art, and act like you’re somebody you’re not. Besides, Erin hates The Gallery, or at least that’s what she said when Plan It did the grand opening for them.
    Erin gives Kent a questioning look. “Really? What?” Erin looks off into the dark.
    I hide my surprised expression as I watch Kent’s normal aura turn a more dull grey. The only time I ever see this is when someone’s trust is about to be broken. I wonder what he’s keeping from her?
    Erin shakes her hair out of her face and gently touches his forearm. “Oh, okay.” She

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