Spilled Milk: Based on a true story

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Book: Spilled Milk: Based on a true story by K.L Randis Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.L Randis
seemed like an eternity
before I heard the sound of a doorknob turn, then silence. He had gone into his
own room. I checked the clock. It usually took about an hour for the tension in
the house to start winding down. I knew Adam and Thomas would stay in their
room until then.
    When I opened
the closet door Kat was sitting in the far back corner. I clicked the light on
and welcomed her into my arms. We both learned to be expert silent criers, and
her face was stained with the remnants of fear.
    “I’m sorry.” I
stroked her head. “I’m sorry, I should have made sure the sink was empty.”
    It was only day
two of Mom being in the hospital, and she still had more than a week of
recovery. I tried to push the thought of how hard it was going to be over the
next few days and focused on cleaning up shards of glass over the next hour.
    Kat puffed
little breaths of air as I slipped into the bedroom, careful not to wake her
up. I stared at the open space where my door should have been. It was my
lifeline, the only way I could ready myself. Now I wouldn’t hear if Dad came
into my room in the middle of the night.
    And I didn’t. I
glanced at the clock with a half opened eye as I was being carried. What’s
going on? Ohh where is he taking me? This is all a dream, all a dream. He’ll go
away if you’re sleeping. This isn’t happening if you’re sleeping.
     The plastic
smell told me I was in his bedroom, on his waterbed. I tasted blood as I bit my
lip and twisted my face. The room was a black hole, not even the stars were
    Pain shot up
through my body as I contorted my back. My cheeks were on fire and the room
began to spin. I grabbed at the sheets and the weight of his body pushed me
deeper into the bed. I couldn’t breathe.
    I heard
something like a doorknob turning, but began to drift. I saw my body, laying
there on the bed, getting crushed and prodded. My body floated above the scene,
accepting the calm waves that washed over me as I separated myself. Soon I was
flying, high above everything left behind. I left that shell and I didn’t look
back. I couldn’t look back.
    When I woke up,
Kat was standing at my bed with a plate, nudging me. Sunlight bathed the room
in gold and I shifted my weight. “Ohhh,” I cried out.
    The pain
between my legs and in my stomach was unreal. I squished my eyes together
instead of screaming so I didn’t scare Kat.
    She put the
plate on the floor next to the bed. Peanut butter and jelly. “Adam said you
should get up Brooke, because you’ve been sleeping for two days.”
    “Two days?”
    Kat nodded.
    I tried to
remember everything that had happened but a wave of nausea forced me not to.
The pain must have been so intense I passed out, I knew that much. I limped
into the bathroom and refused to look in the mirror while I undressed.
    Hot water ran
down my body and nursed the pain away. It washed away the blood, and the tears.
It washed my soul. I scrubbed my arms, chest, neck and legs. Water rushed at my
face and I let it pour over me and pool at my feet. I watched it go down the
drain, to make sure that nothing was left of the other night.
    I changed
clothes and pulled a sweatshirt on. I noticed my bedroom door had been
replaced, perfectly new, like nothing happened. Downstairs Adam and Thomas
flicked through channels. “Geeze Brooke, you’re the only one who’s allowed to
sleep for two days and not get in trouble for it.” Adam shook his head. “Judd
called you six times. Tell your boyfriend he doesn’t need to call so much, it
was making Dad mad.”
    I poured a
glass of water and steadied myself. Dad walked into the kitchen and I gripped
the side of the counter. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. His face was
composed, normal even. He stared at me.
    “You okay
snuggle bug? Must have not been feeling well to sleep that long huh?” He picked
up a glass and took a lengthy sip. “I told Mom you must have had the flu or
something since you threw up in your sleep.” He

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