Special Delivery

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Book: Special Delivery by Ann M. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M. Martin
suggestions. Now, I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided that the perfect name is Douglas.”
    â€œThat isn’t perfect for a girl,” Flora pointed out.
    â€œBut if Aunt Allie doesn’t like it,” Ruby continued, “then I’d agree to Franklin. Or Pablo! What about Pablo?”
    â€œHey, I have a question. What if the baby is a girl?”
    Ruby waved her hand impatiently. “Girls’ names are a dime a dozen.”
    â€œWhat on earth are you talking about?” asked Flora.
    â€œI actually have no idea. I just want a boy.”
    â€œWell, I think we should be prepared for a girl. And if that happens, I hope Aunt Allie likes the name Whitney.”
    â€œFor a
    â€œIt’s a very trendy girl’s name,” said Flora with dignity.
    â€œWhatever happened to Susan? Or Emily or Sarah or … hey, Theresa is a nice name. We could call her Terry for short.”
    â€œHuh,” said Flora. “Not bad. But what about something a little more glamorous? Like Lily Sophia? Or Marilee Rose?”
    â€œSteven,” said Ruby.
    â€œAugustania,” said Flora.
    They were still discussing names when they heard a voice at the front door calling, “Hello? Girls?”
    Flora and Ruby jumped up from the couch and made a dash for the hallway.
    â€œFlora wants to name the baby Augustania!” wailed Ruby before Min had even removed her coat.
    â€œRuby will only consider boys’ names!” exclaimed Flora.
    â€œDon’t you think you’re putting the cart before the horse?” was Min’s reply.
    â€œWhat?” said Ruby.
    â€œShe means we’re getting ahead of ourselves,” said Flora, sounding maddeningly superior.
    â€œSo before I hear another word about names, let’s concentrate on your wonderful idea.” Min hung up her coat and held out a bag from Zack’s hardware store. “Look in here.”
    Ruby whisked the bag out of Min’s hands and swung it away from Flora. She peered inside. “What is all this?”
    Flora grabbed the bag from Ruby. “
know what it is,” she exclaimed, pawing through the contents. “This is stuff for baby-proofing the house. You fasten these locks to cabinet doors so the baby can’t get into cleaning supplies and medicine. And you put these covers over electrical outlets so the baby can’t stick his fingers —”
You said
!” crowed Ruby. “You secretly think the baby is going to be a boy. You just won’t admit it.”
    â€œFor the love of Mike.” Min took the bag from Flora and set it by the front door. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you two, but if you don’t calm down and start talking to each other like sisters instead of like cavemen” (Ruby resisted pointing out that she didn’t think cavemen had had much of a language system, and in any case she would be a cave
) “then you may not come with me to Allie’s. Now, the two of you had a lovely idea” (here Flora resisted pointing out that it was her idea alone) “and we could have a lot of fun carrying it out. But not unless you can be pleasant. So. I am about to get in the car. You are welcome to join me. Are you going to come along and be the agreeable girls I ate breakfast with this morning? Or shall I drop you off at Mr. Pennington’s on my way to Allie’s?”
    â€œSorry, Min,” said Flora. “I want to go with you.”
    â€œSorry, Min,” echoed Ruby. “I want to go, too.”
    â€œAll right.”
    Twenty minutes later, Min, Flora, and Ruby were standing in the guest room on the second floor of Aunt Allie’s house.
this is going to be the baby’s room,” said Flora.
    â€œUnless she turns
room into the nursery,” said Ruby in a small voice.
    â€œNo,” said Min firmly. “I know that the room she fixed up for you is

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